April 6, 2022 8:14 AM

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at 18:22
My children, the days of this world are numbered. What you are experiencing every day right now is a preview of the coming beast system, more control, more manipulation, more persecution are coming.
You live in a world that is all about youselves. The people at the top don’t care about the plight of ordinary people, they only care about how to make greater profits for themselves.
Did not My words say that the love of many shall wax cold as the lawlessness increases? In these last days, it is not only the love of many shall wax cold, but it is the heart of man that becomes more ruthless and heartless.
It is no longer wars and the rumor of wars, but wars are breaking out; nations against nations, people against people, and there are famines and pestilences going on all over the world.
But My children who claim to be Mine, they are still expecting that the days will go back to the former days again, and continue their comfortable life of drunkenness. I want to tell you that the life you had before will never be the same again, and your current life will only get worse with each passing day.
Have you put your house in order? Have you stocked up as much food as you can for the coming global famine? Do you read My Word daily, and come humbly to My feet every day to hear My instructions for you?
Time is running out, My children, come to Me immediately while you can still find Me, and take the time to establish a personal, one-on-one intimate relationship with Me, for this is the only way and means for you to walk safely through all that is to come.
My children, look at the world around you and listen to what is happening, it is all clearly stated in My Word, heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word, one jot or one title will not pass away, every word is being fulfilled and must be fulfilled, for the words I have spoken will never return in vain.
Go and do My work while it is still daytime; night will soon fall, and then you will not be able to do anything.
Hold fast, My children, there is not much time left before you will come home to Me; endure a little longer, and your redemption is at hand.
God richly Bless,