TIME IS FLEETING! – 278pikelk
Published August 26, 2018
My daughter write My words for those with ears to hear. Satan is the harlot that tries to steal My Bride away, but My bride is pure and faithful and will not look in his direction. She only has eyes for Me. She sees Me through the lens of My glory and she awaits her True Love. The enemy can try as he may to blemish her garments, but she is eternally clean. For her garment cleanliness comes not through her own workings… but she has been made eternally clean by the perfect sacrifice of My Son. Woe to the enemy who attempts to steal her from Me. It will be as if she never sees him. Her eyes are fixed upon Me and will never gaze upon another. She is My pure and faithful Bride whom I keep pure by what was done, not by what she does for Me. Understand this My loves, I am the Eternal Cleanser and I am the cleanser of your garments. I keep you without spot or wrinkle. If I leave this to you, you will be spotted and wrinkled. My eyes are upon My beautiful Bride now. My gaze will not be broken. My arms are open for My bride and I cannot have her in My arms soon enough. I provide My bride My blessed hope, for soon she will be dining and dancing with Me. No amount of human language can convey what I have in store for you My Bride. I wish no harm upon you and I will raise you up and out of the ashes. My heart is for you and never against you and you will sing to Me with your one perfectly beautiful voice My praises. Your glory is My glory, your peace is My peace. Tuck yourselves under My wing for a little while. This is the time I must share who I AM with the lost. This is the time I must make My own turn their faces to Me. The souls of this world who partake in its luxuries will soon beg for a scrap of food. The food of a dog will become their feast they have walked in the pride of their flesh neglecting their Creator and His plan of salvation for them. They go along as things are fine and believe that nothing will change. Woe to them that believe that things are fine. Woe to them that think that they have time to walk in their own doings. Woe to them that are not seeking for Me right now. For if they are left to suffer the consequences of the errors of their ways, I must stand firmly to look upon their suffering. For these there will be no escape. The terror will make their hearts fail, but I will revive them to see even more. It takes but a moment to look upon Me and asked to be spared, but My period of Grace and Mercy is abruptly coming to an end. These times coming are not what I wish upon My creation but they must be. They must come so the blind can again be given sight. They must come so that the last last sheep will follow Me Home. I find no pleasure in seeing My sheep flee in terror. I feel no joy in their fear. I have known since creation that these days would come upon your world and it has made it no easier for Me to allow it. Time in the sense of a man has not eased My broken heart. Examine your future lost ones. Examine your future and give yourselves a chance to escape. For there is the wrath of the enemy, but there is also My wrath. The escape of man is so simple yet so many refuse it. Receive Me now into your heart, mankind. For when the trumpet sounds, it will be too late. When the trumpet sounds My fury will abound. You do not want to experience this My lost ones. You are the creation whom I love and whom I want nothing more to enjoy our eternity together. But this is your choice and your choice alone. You cannot conceive the heart of your Creator nor the anguish I feel by your rejection. Every last soul that rejects Me I will long for, for eternity. Every last soul that chooses satan will be mourned for by Me forevermore. Those who do not choose Me now will be reckoned with in a way that is unimaginable. Turn away from your false religions. Turn away from your false gods. Turn away from this world before it is too late. I love and long for My creation, all of it, and I recognize the blinded hearts that cannot see through the darkness that is upon them. I AM the only Light. I AM the Light of this world. Open your heart so that I may open your eyes. I love you My creation. Time is fleeting. Yeshua HaMashiach