March 25, 2024 5:01 PM
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.
The pace of change is accelerating, with critical events now underway that will change our nation and our lives forever. How can we survive, and what can we do to prepare – for life here and into eternity?
Satan, the master deceiver, has set many traps to ensnare us into his nets and take us down to the Lake of Fire. Some of these traps (and upcoming events) are war on our soil, crash of the dollar (Project Sandman), famine, pestilence (new viruses), the vax, the coming three days of darkness, trust in our corrupt politicians and government, and perhaps the eclipse coming in April.
To gain insight into what is coming soon and how to prepare, take a look at Time Is Almost Up.
In I Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar were commended for understanding the times and knowing what they should do. So let us be like them, seeking understanding of the times and what we should do to live at this time and serve our Lord. As in all things, question everything and take it to the Lord for confirmation.
This blog is for the remnant Bride of Christ and all who seek The Truth. You won’t want to miss it.
Blessings on your day,
Mark Peterson, Ph.D.