Time Exhausted & Operating on Fumes
12/19/24 9:59 AM
Time has run out; we are operating on fumes. All who think that they are of me, many will be very dissatisfied with the results of their coming fate. Tribulation will be extremely rough for those who are left on Earth. They will be tracked down and killed for their faith in me. They will know why they were left, and many will try to correct their errors and sins that keep them on Earth. They will know that the reasons they are still here are just, but some will still not care.
Those who shake their fists at me will eventually get the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16-18, Rev 14:9-11 see Jeff Byerly-The Warnings are Over, the Mark is the Cure) which will condemn them to eternity in Hell.
Choices will be made for eternal bliss or eternal damnation. There is no in-between ground. There is no such thing as non-existence. Souls are eternal and each of my children choose their “resting” place by their actions. They bring themselves to Heaven or hell, nowhere else. Your fate (or faith) are the choses you make along the way.
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