Prophecy, Three Days of Darkness



Feb 23, 2020 5:46 AM
Collins Ouma


Shalom, love and grace Child of the Most High. In the earlier interaction with the Lord at the mountain earlier this year He shared briefly not in detail about 3DD and today the Lord would love to have me share His Word:

To them that diligently seek Me, to them secrets of heaven are made known. They will drink at My table and no secret or mystery will I hold to them. To them what have been hidden for ages is made known to them by My Holy Spirit. My son do not hearken to any other voice but hearken to Me. I want you to understand what I am about to share with you about 3DD.

Many of My servants have given warnings and prophecies concerning those 3DD that will visit the earth. Every written scripture in My word must come to pass. Just as it was 3DD in the camp of the Egyptian during the deliverance of My people so shall it be within your generation. The 3DD will be so deep spiritually and physically that many will cry out to Me in their despondency and helplessness . To My sons and daughters I will be their light For I am in them and they need not to fear. Nothing evil shall happen to them. Just as I secured and protected the Israelites from harm during the 3DD so will I keep and protect My own.

I will require many of you to be ready spiritually( most important) and physically for it is at this dark hours that the portal of hell will be opened to release to hoards of demonic armies and forces who will prowl and be seen walking in the earth in the earth.

Those days I pray that be with each other speaking words of comfort, strength and aiding one another in whatever need they might have. I will supernaturally make provisions to My dear sons and daughters. Just as the enemy will be busy prowling the earth, annointing and preparing His vessels to launch an attack against God’s children. I will be picking up and annointing and training My Chosen vessels to be FULLY TRANSFORMED by the FULLNESS OF MY HOLY SPIRIT and they shall be able to move in sign and wonders and power and they will manifest My glory upon the earth.
The elites and the government will all unite and come up with substantial evidence in an attempt to cheat the public and cover up what has occurred. It is at this point that a union of government and religion will occur all over the world and will be called for inorder to be able to curtail such global pandemics. These days will completely take them awareness but not My children. The ANTICHRIST and The FALSE PROPHET will quickly move in power in aligning their agenda and will upon the world. The world after these days will no longer be the same again. Prophecies will move quickly and in procession in fulfilment and therein ushered GREAT PERSECUTION AND DEATHS AND MARTYRDOM OF MANY OF MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS.

Do not worry for strength shall be given to My children for endurance to them that I shall choose to go through this way Just as My children in Israel received enlightenment after these 3DD so shall you My dear sons and daughters be quickened and enlightened in My ways, plans and programmes.
Do not loose your guard. These 3DD are fast approaching upon you. To each of My sons and daughters I will require them to prepare differently depending on an individual.

Many of My transformed vessels after these days will be on the manhunt by these wicked and evil powers that would have set themselves in power. However, I will shield them and keep them. They will move across the nations in witnessing of My power and My glory. If need be I will personally transport them to places I need them to evangelize. Some of them I will allow to be martyred, persecuted terribly and killed. This will all be to My glory.It is at this point that I will reveal My TWO WITNESSES who upto now have been kept hidden. Elijah and Moses are not coming back here on earth. No I will pour the Spirit of Elijah and Moses upon My TWO WITNESSES and they will move in the annointing of MOSES AND ELIJAH. They haven’t yet been manifested. They themselves do not even recognize that they are the TWO WITNESSES. In fact by the world standards currently they do not appear to be the witnesses but I the Lord chooseth not according to the standards of this world.

Shalom,love and grace
Br Collins Ouma
Busia, Kenya


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