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This is your last bath – Cherrie Archer

This is your last bath

Feb 25, 2022, 1:21 PM
Cherrie Archer

In late November or early December 2019 I was going into the bathroom and as I walked in I heard, “This is the last Christmas” Meaning the last Christmas that will be ‘normal’ kids lined up to see Santa, ample shops opened to choose goods from, shopping, dining, churches, gatherings, all would be changed. Then 2020 came, churches closed, schools closed, masks worn, shops closed many never to reopen. And Christmas has never been as we once remember it to be.

This morning, same bathroom I was in the tub and heard “This is your last bath Of course I would like to file that information but the last time I heard “this is the last Christmas” nothing has been as it once was since.

I was not thinking about water, stocking up, things happening when I heard this. It came out of no where just as the first time.

I needed to tell you what happened. Pray about it, if this last phrase follows what the first one did we could have weeks or a few months before something happens that will affect our water supply.


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