America, Darkness, Word

This is the hour – Krystal Beall

This is the hour

April 30, 2022
Krystal Beall

Are ye awake? Are ye watching… looking up? Do you hunger and thirst for me? Am I your first love? Do you love me more than your own life? To live is me, ( CHRIST) to die is gain…. ME ( CHRIST). Whether ye live or die, Ye belong to me. I have overcome the grave. Victory is MINE, Thus yours. Fear not. Rejoice. I have overcome the world. There is wonderful joy ahead. There is good for all whom love me. ( GOD) I have gone before thee.

I have prepared a place that where I AM, Ye may be also. I will come again and receive ye unto myself, that where I AM, Ye may be also. I AM not a man that I should lie. I AM the way. I AM the truth. I AM the life. I AM that I AM.

Night has fallen. Gross, Gross, Gross darkness. Ye my faithful ones are not in darkness and shall not be over taken. Ye are my wise ones. My called and chosen. Ye are my friends. My children. Fear not my little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. This is the hour of the ring of fire. This is the hour of the crowning. The hour of emerging. The hour of delivery. The hour that ye have labored for.

I AM faithful and have remembered your labor of love in the field for me. Great are your rewards. I AM both delighted and sorrowful at this time. There is too much love for the world and too many asleep and watching not. Could ye not watch one hour with me? In my sorrow… Ye could not. I weep. I mourn. Whole heartly heartbroken I AM.

The blast of fire shall set many free from the web of lies and deceit. I have come to set the captives free. Whom I set free is free indeed. The beast and his army defeated. Unraveled and fallen with a great crash. Lightning. I have come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly. Eternal. I AM life.

America it is finished. I say to you America…. I have warned and warned. I warned. REPENT. You are a fallen nation in whom I was rejected. You stink. You give off a foul and most rancid odor. I have vomited you out. America had rejected me. Woe to you. The silence and the stillness. The blast is seen and felt. Heard. Moved is America by captivity and defeat. America in mourning. Great and most profound lamentations.

A defiled harlot nation reaped her just and due reward. Heir to fire and ash. Smoke is seen burning. Sounds of lamentations flood the night sky. The heavens clothed in sackcloth. No light is seen. DARKNESS. A nation, my creation in mourning. The revelation of ALL things. I AM seen. Looked upon by all. The one whom ye pierced. The HOLY one whom hung upon the cross. Whom loved you with an everlasting love and with kindness hath drawn you.

The REJECTED and despised one. The sovereign one. Power and GLORY. Caught up. Called up. Restitution. Resurrection. Expect me. I AM delivering. Arise. Enter in. BEHOLD. My hour has Come.


Original Article Can Be Found Here


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