
This Is It – Janice Sharp

This Is It – Janice Sharp

Words Released August 20, 2017

Time is heating up, the earth is heating up as the day draws near for My glorious appearing. The light that you see is a balance of the technology of the fallen and man’s magic tricks. It is all in place to hide, confuse and cover the eyes of all who look towards the heavens. The planets you see are the ones who did not keep their first estate and now wander on their own timetables. Yes they convey their plans to wicked men who help them in their schemes from hell. They will not only not relent but will ramp up their plans now as they know Yeshua comes for His Bride. I will show you when it is time and you will be where you are supposed to be. The beams of light will be sent down to fool those who did not seek My face and followed after their own ideas, to their ultimate detriment. For they want to believe a lie and I will hand them over to the destroyer who comes in all lying signs and wonders. The net is closing in on all those who did not repent, whose hearts and minds have been turned aside by the father of lies. There is no time to waste now as the door will be closing.

You must be ready at all times. You will hear the tamaiti calling you to the mystery school in the mountains of light. Set behind the ley lines of the Tropic of Cancer. Be ready my daughter and lean not on your own understanding or the wisdom of men. So many have fallen for the lies set up to ensnare my children. Now working on the side of the pied piper of hell. Rivers of living water will flow in and around you as you pass through the pools of Siloam. The angels will guide you to places as they open up the gates that only My called may enter through. The time is now. Have faith and come to Me daily, asking what you desire in the name of My precious Son, My Anointed One. Back up the time to when you sought Me first and I will meet you there. The lamps will guide your steps. Come My children, for I call. Soon you will hear My call at midnight.

This is it

Now is the time to come into My presence daily. There is not much of your time left for anything that is not done for My Kingdom, which is now inside of you. Tell the tale of the ones who wring out the madness that fills all of the inglorius bastards. Here I had to stop and pray that I was hearing from God and I received an emphatic yes. They have toppled all of the candles from the ancient sanctuaries. They now wait upon Lucifer to step into the host prepared for him and he will walk through that door opened by the machinations of hell. So many will fall in their sin daughter. Too many to count.

Here I had a very clear vision of Jesus weeping and felt the emotions. As you can tell by these writings, this is very intense and hard to understand. You must have the Holy Spirit to show you the truth, which I why I tell you to pray. Many of these prophecies are hidden and are only uncovered to those who seek to do so. These are not just a quick scroll on Facebook. I know I have been guilty of that myself

– reading words of others and scrolling though too fast just to get the gist of it. Really meditate on what this means. I have a friend and sister in Christ that I read all of these prophecies to and she is able to glean so much revelation as to what God is saying. It just amazes me every time to think that the Creator of the Universe is speaking to me. Well He is speaking to many others now and the messages are all saying the same things. I have felt bad when I realized I was waiting for all this to begin because there is so much destruction coming BUT it also means that my Saviour is coming! This is real and it is happening and I await His coming every day.

Jesus weeps

When will they come to the realization that I only speak to those who come and spend time with Me. I am not a magic genie, though many have treated Me this way. I AM always waiting for My children to come to Me with their every need and I will meet them in the stillness of My presence. I want all to seek My face now throughout the day, every day, not when it is convenient. If you cannot hear My voice now, you will not make it through the time of testing about to come over the whole earth. Let those who love Me say so, for I call you to repentance now. Do not let fear or pride stop you from claiming your inheritance. Yes the Tree of Life awaits all who have made themselves ready. So many are confused as to what to believe and who to follow, but I say follow Me! Do not listen to the foolishness of men. Even the most learned from among them are sad saplings, easily blown about and bent over and broken at the first sign of a mighty wind. They cannot help you, only I AM worthy to lead My little lambs home. Many will fall in this time and will go through the refiner’s fire. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, who took your punishment upon Himself as only My Chosen One could. How many times have you fallen, yet He picks you up and places you on solid ground again.

The earth will shake and mountains will crumble into the sea. Sometimes you have to wait on Me before you walk out your door. Seek Me first now or you will into the traps set for you. The bombs will fall from the sky and the seas will roar. Distress upon the nations, so many in peril. Wash away your cares by focusing on My Name and let Me carry your burdens for you. Only those who have made themselves ready may enter My wedding feast. I have prepared it all for you to step into, even your wedding garment is provided. You can do nothing to earn your invitation. All you must do is open it and open your heart. Be willing to lay down your life as I have laid down My own.

The trenches have been dug and the war machines are lined up and ready for battle. The war will be quick and painful, like ripping off a bandaid. It all must come to pass. Your leaders have betrayed you, selling their own souls for the price of admission into the realm of power. Who do you think is more deceived? Writers have long written down the plans of the wicked and they no longer try to hide their secrets. The prisoners are beaten down into submission by their toxic brew and manifested poisons.

Do not worry about any of it. I sit back and laugh at the foolishness of men. They have come full circle and I will pull the plug. Agenda 21 is their goal but their dreams will be cut short.

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb

Take the time now to go to those who are in need of a listening ear, for so many are going to be searching for truth as your world crumbles. Time is up and all those unrepentant hearts will be killed. Judgement is upon the land and the whirlwind comes with a mighty rushing wind. The chimes will sound as My fury is unleashed upon this wicked generation. I have called upon many to warn and sound the alarm, yet precious few have inclined their ears. Let those who have wisdom hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Your pastors and shepherds have led My flocks astray and they will be first to be judged. Yes they have been found wanting as they have taken the children’s bread and fed it to the dogs. They do not know the way to enter in, yet they lie and say they do. All the while, holding open the door for the demons to enter into their congregations. They relish the thought that they have elevated themselves and their church buildings, building their kingdoms of gold. It will all burn.

This is it



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