Economic Collapse, Tribulation, War

This is for Now, for these days: The Economic Collapse, War and The Tribulation! – McKana

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

This is for Now, for these days: The Economic Collapse, War and The Tribulation!

8/17/24 5:24 PM

August 17, 2027

Isaiah 55:7-9 (KJV)

1. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

2. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

3. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

When we tell the world to Be Ready, to Prepare, we have a perfect reason. We have seen what is to unfold shortly, many, man aspects of the now. The visions, the dreams and the revelations given earlier need to be visited and revisited and come to the public as a warning.

This message posted six years earlier is:-

  1. For these very days.

  2. A reminder that everything has been revealed.

  3. A warning for those who listen for no one can say the warnings were not given.

In our capacity, when we call “The Nations,” it is out of responsibility, accountability, love and above all out of obedience to the Lord, not for any kind of material gain. Instead of gains, we are despised, mocked, scoffed at, faced persecutions and sever, ceaseless attacks from the enemy.

When the Lord gives two revelations of related events in one light, it is easy to understand the heaviness of the message. I had such revelations few times.

I am instructed to go back and visit what I am give, some posted here some not. By the most part, until it sounds redundant, we have been repeating messages. One of the reason is, there are new comers who have not seen the old messages and a reminder for those who have seen it earlier.

This message was posted in August 26, 2019. It is for these days. It includes

  1. A clear view of the Economic collapse.

  2. The ugly face of War

  3. The dreadful time of the Tribulation.

We will be here to experience, few, many or all of these revealed events, depending on where we stand in our Faith. The faithful will see the early part of the events before they depart to their heavenly homes prepared for them by the Grace of our savior, our Lord.

For those interested who want to see the details of the messages, it is given at the end.

I am stile living these revelations as if I saw them yesterday, unambiguous, clear and no different from reality, except in some cases, the fear factor was out. Few sections of the messages.

Economic collapse.
(December 12, 2017, 2:00 AM)

“A lady is broadcasting the news through the radio, not TV, radio. She looks as if she is reporting from the battle field, very intense. It looks so real. She is announcing the companies which have collapsed and which are in the process of collapsing

She is reading the names of the companies, one, two, three, on and on. I am trying to record what she is listing on a note book, another note book, before I finish, another one trying to record and cope with what she is narrating. The radio got interrupted. In an instant we are running, outside to the woods and the valleys.

I am telling people around me, I have a radio set at home. Let us go and listen, but we kept running. I am telling them, this is what was anticipated and expected long time ago, it is bigger and global, in a while the dollar will collapse, the gold will collapse and global crisis will ensue. But we kept going, running.

When we leave our homes we were very desperate, we have nothing on our hand, unexpectedly we ran out of home. I have no idea where the location of our home is. I am asking, which direction is our home? I see an uphill mountainous forested terrain and some lady I thought I know running in front of us is telling us, this way, pointing up the hill. I looked, there is scarcity of food and hoped we can find some, somewhere up the hill. I felt they have food up there as if it is some sort of sanctuary, safe place but I don’t see it, only hope.”

In a while, another dream came:-

Warplanes filled the sky!

“We are in the woods, I looked up, the sky is full of warplanes. Some way high up, some little lower. Trails of smoke is coming out of some of them, from the attack of the warplanes chasing them. The sky is a mess. One or more of the warplanes to the right is shooting at another warplanes in front but at a distance in the sky. I looked, countless numbers of locusts are falling on the ground. Locusts? Then I looked at a distance. The big fat whales, the dolphins and a number of big fish are up on the air, heads up, on the air from the ocean stretching way long. I don’t see the ocean and the body of water clearly. I see the land before it. They are above the ground and above the level of the ocean, they are falling down.

I don’t know who is shooting whose planes but it is war. The locusts, as I understood are the falling warplanes. The whales and the dolphins and the big fish are the haves, the rich, hitting the roof.

War, locusts, whales and dolphins.”

(April 1, 2019 5:00 AM)

“In this very detailed vision, first, I am in a house I don’t know, I have never been there. The door is facing south. Outside of the house, I hear, the sound of turmoil and chaos. People are talking and talking, hard to single out what they say. I hear “economic” the problem expected, regarding the economy, “Global” referring to the global nature of the chaos, things of this sort. It is very chaotic. There is a big change in everything. Very changed world.

I opened the door and tried to look around. From the West to East are rows after rows, rows after rows of rolled up blankets and thin mattresses, the length the size of a normal bed. Some are hanging by the sides of each door of the residents and many, many are lined in rows on both sides of the narrow street. It is day light, I see everything clearly. They are preparing to take the community of people to concentration camps.

Then, one of the evil armies, upset that I opened the door came rushing towards me. I was not afraid at all. I stood the ground knowing who is in me, the one in me is greater than the one in the world. By the power of the one in me, without touching him, the evil one was instantly pushed back almost a hundred meter away with fear and trembling. I can see the light around him that pushed him away. The evil one is freed from evil and I hear him say, looking at himself, “I am healed, I am freed.” The change in himself has surprised him.

A little further, by the fence, I see armored military vehicles in front of me. I see one of them trying to point his heavy machine gun on me ,The military vehicle is a tank. They pulled out the data computes and started studying the information they have. I see a couple of them, their head with military fatigue and helmets, in full gear. The neighborhood has became a war zone. Mentioning my tittle and my name, one of them said “this is his house.” Then, I closed the door, tightened the nobs, left it secured and turned my back. There comes one short being, short like a Chines, in the middle of the room. I asked him, “How did you came in?.” He said in a broken English, he has the key of the back door. He is in the middle of the room with an evil demonic power, not by opening the door. He is holding two little but thick computerized devises with yellow screens, like the old walk-talkies but advanced. I looked at his eyes, he has the most frightening black eyes, everything of his eyes is black. This is an evil spirit, the army of the devil in human cloth.

I called on the Lord and said in a shout “Dear Lord, turn this evil thing to ash!!, ash!! ash!!.” The evil thing is knocked flat to the ground, melted to liquid and disappeared right in front of my eyes, not by my own but by the power of the one in me. I didn’t even stretch my hand. His bullet proof vest remains on the ground and I said “I don’t want anything of this evil thing, anywhere around me.” I see a big hole in the middle of his bullet proof vest. The evil entity was struck by the power of God. The black hole in the vest is the mark of the area it is struck. Then, water started coming up from the ground, washing it from the floor and the big black hole

on the vest is clearly seen. With victory by the power of almighty God, I woke up wondering the presence of the light and the power of God in me.

A week ago, I saw the same kind of vision where the military is taking the young from the neighborhood to concentration camps.

This is the vision of one small aspect of the Tribulation. Trust the Lord, He will do wonderful things in these last days.”

We are here, the Time is Now! Repent, Repent, Repent!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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