This is a Word from the LORD I received today (8-26-18)- Linda Hasche
“Inter-dimensional warfare means you must use what you have been given according to My Word.
The gates of hell have been opened by those who worship Satan, for they believe his lies: they “will become like a god.” I AM holds these beings back until MY appointed time.
Listen to ME, My children. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, if you take the authority I have given you. Determine to fight the good fight with faith that IAM with you always, never leaving you, nor forsaking you.
The day is soon upon you when I remove my global hand of protection from the demonic forces that WILL invade your reality. I WILL protect My own, whose souls are Mine. Some will shine forth with FIRE from My throne room. Some will expire in the battles, to be instantly in My presence. Others will carry out great exploits you can not comprehend right now, doing greater works than MY son when He walked the earth. It was written and it will come to pass.
Look around you now. This is a tempest in a teacup compared to what will be unleashed upon humanity.
Stand strong in your faith, my beloved. Stand strong, for in the midst of the storm, there I AM. Does a storm throw seashells upon the beach, for the little children to gather to their delight? So too will global storms throw humanity into turmoil, for my children to gather souls to MY delight.”
I usually give the Scriptural references, with the verses written all out for your convenience. I’m being held back from doing that here, but will include the verses after the following exhortation:
Right now ALL must seek the LORD for himself or herself. Sitting behind a computer to read the next prophetic warning is NOT going to help YOU personally when literally ALL HELL is unleashed upon humanity.
DO YOU HEAR HIS VOICE FOR YOURSELF? It’s either a “yes” or it’s a “no”. If you don’t, then stop right now, get quiet before the LORD and seek Him like your very life depends upon it, because it does. He speaks, but most don’t listen, or some don’t realize they heard from Him when they did, or some can’t hear Him, because they really don’t know Him. Don’t ask your friends, or your pastor, or a “prophetic person” . . . ASK THE LORD. Ask Him to help you know, that you know, that you know . . You hear from Him. After all, the Bible clearly tells us His sheep hear his voice . . . Do you?
REPENT from all sins.
FORGIVE ALL who have sinned against you.
Get ready . . . . The battle is going to be fierce and ONLY those in Christ who know HIM, will be able to “endure until the end.”
Here are some verses to look up. . . Use this to hone your skills with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the (Written) Word of God:
– Ephesians 6:10-17
– Deuteronomy 31:8
– John 10:28-19
– John 14:12