They Will Need Of His Saving Grace Too
November 22, 2021 10:12 AM
Brian Ethier
Go tell all who will listen the Good News so they may be set free,
From the binding chains of the law of death and sin and win the victory;
For by His Blood the precious Lamb paid the ultimate price so we could be sanctified,
So come my brother in true humility and repentance and be purified.
With courage tell the lost souls what the Redeemer has done for you,
Of His love, His peace, His protection, His discernment, and healing that is strong and true;
Go tell the others what the kind Savior has done for you,
For they will need of His saving Grace too.
Be a shining light of hope to help them cope amidst all the darkness, destruction and strife,
Not by force but by serving, nudge them to the Truth of Salvation, of everlasting life;
And with compassion tell them what the Good Shepherd has done for you,
So they may choose to follow the narrow path and receive His saving Grace too.
Open their eyes, that their flesh and the world has nothing good to offer at all,
While evil ones bombard their soul nature, causing faith in the Spirit to fall;
And how they are being deceived, lied and lied to and used by the enemy,
And how to resist and overcome so they can attain that Crown of Glory.
To draw closer to Father Yahuah and their Deliverer, so in them They can build Their Holy Temple deep within,
For without a change of heart and willing to trust and obey, how can They ever begin?
To daily spend time praying, reading Scripture, praising in gratitude their Savior King for what He will do,
And so that the fruits of Their Set Apart Spirit will then flow into them too.
Go tell the others what the kind Savior has done for you,
For they will need, for they will need,
For they will need of His saving Grace too!