They do not know Me – Lasttrumpet777
August 16, 2018
There are many who do not know Me, The One whom it is all about. That is why they are foolish and not wise. They love darkness and not Light, that is why their deeds are evil and not good. They do not realize that they will give account to Me, The Almighty, for their own deeds and bear the consequences. Every knee will bow before Me and every tongue will confess that I Am Lord. I Am The only Way, The Truth and The Life. I Am The only Righteous Judge, I Judge Fairly and Justly. I have no Favoritism and I do not Discriminate.
Many do not know Me for who I really Am and for what I Am able to do. You can all know Me for real. If you are willing and diligently seek Me, you will find Me. I Am always Faithful. I Reward those who diligently seek Me with all their heart. If you draw near to Me, I will draw near to you also. You will not be disappointed.
Many do not know Me because they do not have their own personal relationship with Me. They are only busy with dead religious practices. They only know about Me from reading and from hearing from other people.
You must all seek Me for yourselves and work on your own personal relationship with Me. Nobody else can do it for you. It is all between Me and you. Seek to know Me for real. Those who know Me must seek to know more of Me and My Everlasting Kingdom that is not of the world.
“Jesus answered, I Am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except Through Me. If you really Know Me, you will Know My Father as well. From now on, you do Know Him and have Seen Him.” John 14:6-7