…there will be many lives lost…Father Yahweh adores each one…deep waters that seem relentless…still have ups and downs…He wants deep intimacy…Given to Wendi Lee by Father God Yahweh 17Apr16
I received this Word from Father God Yahweh at 10:40 P.M. on April 17, 2016.
Daughter, ever so priceless are you, Write My eternal Words for My Holy saints that you received in My Throne Room. Write, My child.
Soon, it will be too late for some of My creation. For when My wrath comes, there will be many lives lost. There will be cave-ins, mountains melting, fire and vapor coming down from My Heavenlies. There will be whole communities shaken up. The people within them walking around in a complete daze. The earth is going to be expelling the putridness that has defiled it. Need Father say anymore? My precious saints, Father Yahweh adores each one of His flock. I have been taking many of you through deep waters that seem relentless at times. I have let you jump into the waters willingly and have let you thrash around. All the while, My Son has always been right there with you. For He is with you through your storms. He has his hand extended for you to grab, and He will not let you go. I AM completing My works, My refining, My purifications. Many of you have been told that you will not have anymore mountains in your pathways or curves, that the path to your finish line is a straight one from where you are now. However, you will still be kept where My Son wants you to be. You will still have ups and downs for this is necessary to keep you lowly and humbled and away from giving into the ways of your filthy flesh. So, it will be until your end here on earth. You have been through much, and as you look back, you have seen exactly what My Son has done for you and His relationship. For He wants deep intimacy with each one of His children. Papa God Yahweh, the Great I AM, has spoken