January 29, 2021 9:30 PM
Alison Pound
I will not make any comment on the following word other than to say, please take it to the Lord. Ask Him for understanding, for this is what we each must do. Not leaning upon our own understanding. Knowing these things in advance you can prepare yourself spiritually and physically. You can pray intelligently into the will of God for this nation. Some of you reading this will be directly involved in what is prophesied here. May the Lord bless you and bring you His peace and understanding.
Received on Wednesday January 20, 2021
A time of great sadness.
Restrictions will remain and in some places they will increase.
I will not suffer Scott Morrison to lead the nation and he will be disciplined.
My judgements will increase.
Those who are crying out to Me for their nation and for their loved ones, I will hear. Their voices will be heard in more areas. More will come to a knowledge of the truth but this will happen amidst more persecution. The haters will hate more and the time will come, partway through this year of 2021, when those who hate Me in Australia will begin to rise up and show their true colours. Their ears will be shut off and their vision will be blinded. Their future will be set. For I will give them over to their wicked plans.
The church, as in all those who continue to attend the churches of men, will have an opportunity to wake up and to leave those institutions. I am going to give them an opportunity during the restrictions to come out and to begin meeting in homes. The underground church will begin as a fledgling ministry this year.
In the Northern Territory, a new move of My people will begin. I have been moving many good people to this place. A revival will spring up amongst the Indigenous in the Northern Territory.
In the farming districts, the locals will thrive. I am sending My angels. Prophetic voices will arise, those who have been quiet for a time will be heard. A good harvest will follow a natural harvest. I will send this sign for the faithful. Queensland and Western Australia will see a good harvest this year. Pray for those who will be training up the new believers. The workers are few.
I am going to reveal Myself in a new way to many in this year of 2021. Some will respond to this, recognizing that it is Me. Others will be offended and fall away.
Alison Pound