The Worst of Humanity
11/2/24 7:08 PM
We pass from one Kingdom, one era to the next. Each jot and each tittle must be followed to the Word.
Many will need to be refined during the Tribulation, while others have accomplished their goal of Salvation and getting close to me.
As the background starts to shift to darkness steadily, many will see the worst of humanity. Those you thought were friends will no longer be found. Relatives will be like strangers. Those you thought you could count on, will disappear. As the world changes, so will many people.
Decisions now will either be made for good or bad, righteous or unrighteous, love or hate. A mixture of both will not suffice, for you are either for me or against me. Those for me will “sail” smoothy into “new docks” of life. Whereas those who cannot make a decision or are against me will find turmoil, unrest, hardship, and chaos at every turn.
Salvation is my goal for all. satan’s goal is to take your soul. Pay attention to all things that need to change within you, so to steer your boat into a safe harbor.