August 29, 2020
Stephen Hanson
18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:19 That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Isaiah 5
“The winds are blowing across your land. Their strength will gather and the force of them will not only demolish your government, but it will reform another one. For indeed, great changes are coming. Little do you know what lies ahead; for that one doomed for perdition is soon to take over. Every square inch of your land will be under his control. But will you recognize him?
But my people, you will have a voice. For you will defeat your ancient enemy. You will gather strength and your arsenal will be built upon those things of my Spirit, and your discernment will see into the enemy’s camp. Many great feats of my Spirit will be accomplished in that hour. For you will not give into the beast system.
But woe to those who call evil good. Woe to those who have no eyes to see. You have held your flag of patriotism high and yet you don’t know what you’re giving allegiance to. Would that those who have gone before you had seen your acts of betrayal for they would have known what is true and what is false.
You think that you will gain more freedoms and yet they will be slowly taken away from you. For when the rich are fed and yet the poor beg for scraps, then you are not a rich nation. ”
Stephen Hanson
Original article can be found here