The U.S will be invaded and the church will suffer persecution
Sep 9, 2019, 9:01 PM
Peter Sansone
I have had many end times dreams but this one was among the scariest I have had. This dream took place the very night that Pope Francis was elected. I had been watching and waiting for the announcement of who the new Pope would be and when the election had been made, the news reported it was Francis. The news also said that Francis was a Jesuit. Francis then came out and was seen for the first time in public. I had watched about 10 minutes of this and when the news had said he was a Jesuit, I was worried about this and turned the TV off. I had seen Francis face for maybe 5 minutes. Not very much time to remember what he looked like. That night I had a dream. I can tell when I have dreams from the Lord because they are not like my other dreams when I am in them and after I wake up, I can remember every detail of dreams God gives me in sharp detail that I never forget. Anyways this was the dream.
I was sleeping in my bedroom and suddenly I was standing over myself and I could see myself sleeping. There was someone else there and I had a sense ( a knowing) that it was an angel standing next to me. While I was watching myself sleep, suddenly there was commotion and I saw men coming into my bedroom through the windows and there were many of them. It was like an army of men and they came into where I was sleeping and they laid their hands on me. While watching this happen, I noticed that the men were face-less. I could see and sense all these men like an army, but I could not see any faces. Their faces were blurred out. The men then grabbed me while sleeping and lead me away as I saw them leading me away. As they were taking me out the bedroom door, the “me” that was watching all this looked over at one man and suddenly I could see this man’s face. It was Pope Francis. I froze in terror because in the dream, I knew who he was already and I recognized him. It was a fear beyond words. There was no way I had already memorized what he looked like and this was a supernatural aspect to the dream. The “angel” with me suddenly communicated to me in a way I could understand and basically said to me “he is responsible for this”. The meaning of this dream: The U.S will be invaded and the church will suffer this. God has a plan though and now is the time to prepare. Do not try to prepare later, Prepare now. You must be prepared before this occurs.- Peter