The Time Of The Monsters Is Come
June 4, 2020 5:25 PM
The Holy Spirit had led me to the word ‘monsters’. I had been watching Steve Quayle, talk show host and author talking about the giants and the monsters. I heard in my spirit ‘the monsters are here’. The next day as I was driving to work I heard in my spirit ‘the time of the monsters is come’.
On 5.18.20 I was given this message.
Your nation America has been working secretly to create a hybrid creature that is part human and animal and carries the DNA of the fallen ones. Beware! My children must be strong in My Word, in rebuke, in prayer and praying in the spirit – for these monsters that will be unleashed have incredible power and knowledge. They are super human, they are the super beings of the future – which is now. You cannot fight them physically, you must fight them spiritually. The body of Christ must come together as one in order to withstand the forces of evil come upon your earth. They will rise up like giants and strike fear into the hearts of many.
But My children will stand strong and steadfast in My Word. Get My Word into your heart where it will be released and unleashed upon these demonic creatures from the pit of hell. You will stand firm and use the authority I have given you and anointed you with – for this is the hour of your calling. Rise up o church! Rise up o mighty Army of the Most High! The world is looking to a Savior and I your Savior Yeshua HaMashiach will rise up with you as you open your mouth and speak the words and rebuke in power and in great authority. I will be with you children then. Do not fear. You know more than the children of the world and the world will soon look to you for their salvation.
I come soon in the clouds of glory. My children rest in Me a little while longer until I come for you. Your days are numbered children you must make the most of it.
On 6.3.20 I was led to the word ‘monster’ repeatedly and ’monsters unleashed’. I then received this message.
Daughter the monsters will soon be unleashed upon your earth. I speak of the hybrid animals and the Nephilim, the giants that once roamed the earth. Mutants – these creatures are pure evil with evil hearts and evil intent. The darkness is descending for these creatures live in darkness. The day will come when these creatures will roam the earth terrorizing the people of the world. You will not find safety in the world – only in Me will you have protection and the peace that surpasses all understanding. People will walk and live in fear, unbridled fear. It is because they do not know Me – their Savior Yeshua.
I depend on you My children to be a light unto the world and to tell them of My imminent return to this earth. These creatures will appear as out of nowhere and strike sheer terror into the hearts of many. But My children will know and understand what time it is and to operate in the power and authority I have given to them. Do not fear what is to come upon your earth. Look to Me your Savior Yeshua He Who Saves! I alone am the light that will shine upon this gross darkness and will overcome – for I have already won the victory! Abide in Me, abide in My Word – for you shall overcome then! Come children, come close to Me, stay in My Word – for it is the light of truth for all the world to see.
I come soon upon the clouds of glory
Prepare for My imminent return
Your Lord, Savior and King
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