By Kay Farmer:
Word from the Lord
Monday 6.13.16 1220pm
“My daughter, write this. The time of judgment is at the door. It is NOW time for the evil to fall. The sentence has been pronounced, and is now time to serve. I am sorry My child, but I can no longer delay what must come. It must come, and the time is NOW. I am grieved at the events on the Earth – as I was in the time of Noah. Same thing. But, now more people, and more sins. Wickedness in high places. I MUST judge it with righteous judgment., as only a Father can. But I love My creation, and I hate to do this. Prayer has stayed My hands so far. Intercession has kept My hands back. BUT NO MORE !!! Time has come.
Father , how can I help?
Daughter , you can not do anything except pray for the salvation of all that shall perish. More ‘Orlando ‘ is on the horizon. More ISIS attacks – BIG ONES! ! Even Russia will have a few, but Vladimir Putin will cut it off at the roots. ISIS will not be ignored nor tolerated in Russia. I made Vladimir Putin to be a strong and determined leader. But I will guide and direct his hands as the time comes. I love all My creation, but enough is enough. The ‘event ‘ is right over the horizon. JUST out of sight. No more ‘as it always has been ‘, but soon days of horror upon the news channels. ( the Lord is sobbing ). Oh My child, it shall be VERY BAD indeed. But, but, but!! The warnings have been sent out. Messengers are doing their assignments, but no response at all. The evillage do more evil, and the Holy become more holy. Hell has been eneared – awaiting this event. And ‘THE’ event shall be huge. Terror on the people’s hearts. Tears on the faces, but hearts will harden. I cannot stop the momentum of this. It has been spoken in Heaven – and it SHALL manifest on Earth. Keep your hands and heart pure. Keep your heart set on Me. For NOW is the time. Prepare My children. Prepare. “