His PrincessBride
MONDAY, JULY 24, 2017
The Time of Judgment Has Come
Take pen in hand, daughter, and write these sayings,
My joy and My glory has come to rest upon these My people, My faithful, that your joy may be full. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, the moment when all comes as I’ve spoken and revealed as promised.
My little lambs, fear not what has come upon your fellow man but know it is My joy to present to you the Kingdom. My little lilies, you endured the season of weeping, but joy has flown in on the wings of the dawn. Think not of this as some other time to be expected but even now.
It is My pleasure to give to you the Kingdom. Long have you waited; won’t you come in? My faithful you have been for long, dark, harsh seasons, but withstood; now your rewards. It is not a light thing to be looked upon in favor by the King, but know He receives you as His own, His children, well-beloved and accepted before Him. Come.
Woe to they without, who for a piece of bread sold their birthright. Woe to they who exchanged the greater for the lesser, who chose the frivolous over the eternal. Woe to they who added to the shame and reproach My faithful carried before you, for they were your examples.
Is this not pleasing unto Me, that a man should give of his life for Me, as My Son so willingly gave His life for you? Yet you balk at My requirements and shun those who do as I ask. You mock and scorn, ridicule they who walk the narrow, lonely path as you continue head-on toward destruction.
From this I desire to save you, but you must offer Me that which is acceptable, a laid-down life – your life. For what profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. But I say, many have already. What of you, My children? Will you repent?
Judgment has come to this My house, but will you seek Me and call upon My name? Know that the hour is come, for My will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Beloveds, prepare to hear the sound emit from heaven, and you shall know what to do. Hearken diligently unto My voice, O people of the earth, for I Am is come to you this day.
Yahuah Elohim, your Redeemer
Scriptures given: Isaiah 24, Genesis 6 & 7, Luke 12:32, Psalm 30:5, Hebrews 12:16, Mark 8:34-37, 2 Peter 3:3, Romans 12:1, Matthew 7:13-14, 1 Peter 4:17, Matthew 6:10, Hebrews 3:7-8, Joel 2:32
Posted by His princessbride at 7:22 PM