The Three Days of Darkness: Revelations summed up
February 5, 2024 10:55 AM
February 5, 2024
Exodus 10:21-23(KJV) 21 And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. 22 And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: 23 They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
The coming all out storm has many faces. One can see what the tribulation looks like from one of the storms-The three days of Darkness. What has been will be and what is to come is what has already happened “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9(KJV)
Few examples:-
1. The marauding planet was here before-The “Planet” comes, death comes
2. The shaking has happened before- The continents formed-The “Shaking” comes, death comes.
3. There were Meteors, had impacted Earth leaving many scares-The “Meteor” comes, death comes
4. There was the darkness before in Egypt(Exodus).-The“Darkness” comes, death comes.
What is the cost of unbelief? Wat is the fruit of belief and faith. The answer is clear, death or life. In this case, specifically the unbelief of the coming of the three days of darkness costs many, even death. From unbelief of the three days of darkness, from lack of knowledge and care, the person can fall in the darkness while at home or outside to be devoured by the forces of darkness, which during the darkness, are going to walk the earth free. This is sudden death of the flesh without repentance which leads to eternal damnation, a complete separation from our loving God to be lost forever.
The reason for this repeated message is, there are countless many who are going to be caught unaware of the coming three days of darkness. This message helps many to confirm what they know and help many to be ready, stay prepared as well to awaken the unbelievers who are going to be easy pray for the enemy.
Like many of the visions and dreams I received, the Lord has also revealed the three days of darkness four times. Few might have seen one or two of the messages posted in this website. Seeing all the messages given here will help awaken many more. It is real, it is coming. One can understand and give the weight this messages deserves. Four times is very serious and concerning, From the four revelations of darkness I am allowed to experience, two while I am out walking and two are while I am in side the place I live. In all four cases :-
1. There is Pitch Darkness, practically nothing to see.
2. The Darkness falls suddenly.
3. The Lord provided light inside, enough to see around
4. There was noticeable evil activityy outside.
5. The whole scenario was frightening.(we don’t have to fear)
6. The duration of the darkness is understandably three days.
It is important to mension that, eventhough it was only once that I experience/felt the shaking, we know the darkness falls during the Global shaking.
Here are the four revelations I am given.
1. Relation of 2016 (thespecific date not recorded)
2. Revelation of February 5, 2021 1:30AM
3. Revelation of February 8, 2023. 10:30PM
4. Revelation of July 23, 2023. 1:29AM
Since the messages were posted here separately as it was revealed for me, I am going to provide a short summary of each of them.
I. The Darkness descends on a bright day light!
(Revelation of 2016)
I am in the house of my elder sister, in the rural city where I attended elementary school, old time setting. Some time in the early afternoon, in a bright day light, I am going to go out for a walk. I walked outside the house facing east. While still in compound, all of a sudden a complete darkness descended on us. In the midst of the bright sunshine, it became completely dark. I turned my face towards the house and tried to walk back. I can’t even see my hands. I took out my cellphone to use the light to walk back the few steps to the house. The light from the cellphone didn’t help. Without knowing, with the power of God, I am in the house. I didn’t walk back to the house, it is supernatural.
This time, I am in the house I currently live, another place. There are few people I know who look sick. I am touching their heads for healing. There was no light in the house but I can see the surrounding with enough lighting, the sours I don’t know.
I don’t know how long the darkness lasted but it was utter darkness where nothing can be seen. While in the house, even though we were in the dark, the Lord was our light, enough to see around.
II. The Shaking, the Darkness and Supernatural lights.
(Revelation of February 5, 2021 1:30AM)
An hour an half after I slept, I am given a vision. In this vision, I walked into my bedroom, found my bed dress fallen on the floor. The bed is tilted. I felt there is some evil force present in the room. I tried to put the bed dress back but the earth shook. I felt the walls rattling. I started praying saying “In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit” I started staggering, looked around to find my cloth. I am unable to stand still. I felt, this is the end. From the way I am staggering, unable to stand, I laughed at myself but this is very serious. I tried to turn the light on but there is no light. I tried another switch, no light, it is dark. In the middle of the darkness,I felt and thought this is the three days of darkness.
All of a sudden, standing bewildered, a light is on from the left side of my feet, by the bed. I didn’t move, I didn’t touch anything. I can see the ground, just a little,. Then another second light is on from the wallet pocket of my pant on the top of the drawer next to the bed. Then a third light is on towards the wall next to the bed. There is light, three sources of lights. This is not a normal but from the Lord. Knowing this is the miracle work of the Lord, I am relieved and felt safe but the outside is not normal.
III. The three days of darkness suddenly fall on us !
(Revelation of February 8, 2023. 10:30PM)
Sudden darkness, light of the holy spirit, evil activity outside.
The darkness fall while I am with my dear brother in one room. I felt it is my bedroom. We didn’t know what has happened, surprised with events around us. The three days of darkness fall suddenly to catch us in surprise.There is no light, we are in total darkness. There is nothing to see. There is some light which I am not sure where and what the source of the light is. It is not bright but enough to see some distance around me. I went to the rest room. Now I knew where the source of the light is. The light of the Holy spirt is the source of the light. I realized, it is coming out mainly from my chest. Now, I am in the rest room,I felt strange as if there is a presence there.
I returned to the bedroom to find out my brother hiding from me. He is in the living room in fear. He knew something is strange in me which make him fear and hid. Now, the light in me is getting more brighter. It is still dark around. I told my brother to pray. I said “Keep praying, keep praying!” He returned to the bedroom. I instructed him to say “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” He couldn’t say anything. He can not say “In the name of the Father” I instructed him to try again and again. He couldn’t say a word. He is fumbling unable to repeat after me. I was trying to instruct him to accept Jesus as his Lord and savior. I prayed. “Dear Lord, my brother, my brother, save my brother!” I can be heard and lowered my voice noticing some evil activity outside. I kept him by my chest and prayed. Now I knew and felt he is taken over by an evil spirit. I am holding something in my hand, not a cross, something, a piece of cloth. I started hitting his chest and rebuked the evil thing which has taken over and locked him dumb and mute. I started Psalm 23 and Psalm 91. I struggled a little but in few seconds the words come out flowing good.
I looked towards the window. The shutter is not completely closed. The outside is dark, nothing to see. We are in the second floor. I told my brother not to look out but close the shutter tight. He stared looking out through the small openings, stretched his long hand and completely closed the shutters. I hear noise from outside. Before he shut the shutter, the evil elements from outside are trying to come up but it is the second floor. Now the window is closed and we are safe. I didn’t see the end of the story and wake up from the chaos outside. The experience is very new and strange difficult to reveal the feeling as we experienced it. Throughout, there was no fear in me, not at all. Praise the Lord.
My brother is believer but not strong in faith as revealed in the vision. I don’t live with my brother, he is an ocean away from me, in another continent. I don’t know how we end up in one room.
IV. The darkness fall in the middle of daylight
(Revelation of July 23, 2023. 1:29AM)
The road. We are in a medium size bus with few people on board. We drove a little further in a neighborhood with good asphalt road. We reached an intersection where the main road we are on goes east to west and the intersection is North to South. I don’t know the place. I don’t remember I have been to this city/town before. There are trees left and right and the residential houses are behind the trees. When we reach the traffic light in the intersection, for some reason we are on foot.
The Intersection. I am with a friend very familiar, walking with me by my left side. I can’t identify who he is and didn’t care much. When we reach the middle of the intersection, for fear of an incoming traffic, we are not sure to go back or forward . I pointed my finger right and left a number of times to indicate there is no need for hesitation. We pressed forward and crossed the intersection.
The darkness. After few steps, just as we cross the intersection, in the middle of day light, darkness fall on us We are not able to see anything. It is a pulpable darkness. I stretched my hand to feel the thickness of the darkness and find out if there is anything in front of us. I can’t see my hand, I can’t see the one next to me and unable to see anything. If some one come to pluck my eyes, I will not be able to see. It is very dark darkness.
In the middle of our frozen, stationary state and confusion, I hear a noise, a frightening noise to our left, towards the south. I realized danger is near and I blasted louder saying “I rebuke you devil in the name of the Lord.” In a second we are out of the darkness, translocated in to a house.
The Light. I don’t know what has happened to the person next to me. He is no moer with me and I am alone in the bedroom examining what is outside. I am not sure if this is my place but the room has a window to the right which light can pass through. To my utter surprise light is moving as if looking for some one inside the room. The light outside so bright, so comforting. It is coming to the room as if flash light is pointed towards me. The supernatural light is moving, shimmering, brighter and brighter radiating to the room. It looks the whole universe is covered with this bright light. I have seen the same kind of light before in the living room coming towards me through the cross on the door of my my bedroom but this light is coming from outside. The room is dim, doesn’t have sufficient light, the light from the outside is the bright source of light. I knew this is the Lord, feeling comforted, with a small voice, I uttered one sentence “Lord, I am alone here.” At the end of speaking the words, I woke up.
While on the road, the noise in the darkness is the enemy hunting whoever is out in the darkness.
Suprnatural-The Translocation from the street to the house.(The same in the first vision of 2016)
The Light is the Light of the Lord. God is light and the light is on His little children.
Previous posts.
The Darkness descends on a bright day light!. (DREAM OF 2016, SORRY FOR THE SPECIFIC DATE).
The Shaking, the Darkness and the Three Supernatural lights.(REVELATION OF FEBRUARY 5, 2021 1:30AM)
The three days of darkness suddenly fall on us!. FEBRUARY 8, 2023 11:08 PM MCKANA
The Road, the Darkness and the Light. JULY 23, 2023 1:37 PM MCKANA
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