December 23, 2020 1:53 PM
Dana R
5/22/2020 (Vision/Word) I saw a movie billboard. It said “THE STRAIN”. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say “WE’RE UNDER SIEGE”. Then I heard “ARMY OF CONTACT TRACERS.”
Now I haven’t watched TV or movies in well over a year. But when I did, the horror genre was certainly not my cup of tea. I’m more of a “Little House on the Prairie” or “Anne of Green Gables” kind of gal. So trying to figure this out was a bit challenging for me. Because the Lord had showed me a billboard, I initially thought He was pointing me to the 2007 movie called the “The Strain”. Here is the plot synopsis that I found at of that movie:
A young doctor returns home to a marriage on the rocks after investigating a mysterious outbreak in Africa. It’s only hours after he arrives home that he realizes he’s been infected with the very same virus, which caused the death of thousands of people. Now his young wife watches in horror as his body is consumed by this aggressive disease, which she will finally have to defend herself against.
While I was examining that website, I noticed a section called “More Like this” that showed other movies/TV shows that were similar. When I clicked on the Next button, the next movie that popped up was one called “The Strain Under Seige”. Whoa! That was referring to the 2014-2017 TV series. Below is the plot synopsis I found of the 2014 season of the TV series (The Strain: Season 1 – Rotten Tomatoes):
In Season 1 of this dramatic horror series, a strange virus seemingly kills all passengers and crew on an inbound jet to JFK International Airport. Upon investigating, Drs. Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll), Nora Martinez (Mía Maestro) and the CDC Canary team are shocked to find four passengers alive, though still infected, causing the CDC team to fear an Ebola-like plague. Despite Ephraim’s objections, no quarantines are issued. However, circumstances become dire when it’s discovered the virus transforms its victims into vampires. While fighting to stop the spread of the virus, Ephraim, Nora and their team face betrayal and murder, which jeopardize their efforts and the livelihood of all New York City residents.
I thought it was interesting that both of these shows featured a plague. The first one was a virus from Africa that consumes the doctor’s body. In the second, it is described as an Ebola-like plague.
7/9/2020 (Vision) I saw an organism in a petri dish that was shaped like an S.
I looked up ‘petri dish’ in Wikipedia. A Petri dish ‘is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to hold growth medium in which cells can be cultured, originally, cells of bacteria, fungi and small mosses’. Then I looked up images of Ebola to see what the virus looked like and it looks worm-like. I felt that this vision was connected to the other 2 visons/words that the Lord gave me. I feel that the Lord is warning that a new strain is coming and that it will be bio-engineered in a laboratory and not from natural sources.
On 12/22/2020 I asked the Lord if there was anything else He wanted to add to this word. He brought to my mind the following 3 things.
12/14/2020 (Vision/Word). First I saw a locker room with lockers on every wall. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say “ROOM SERVICE”. Since lockers are for locking up things, I felt that the Lord is saying we are going to be locked up in our homes, unable to go out. “Room service” fits right in with that idea since people normally call for room service when they are staying in.
The next thing He brought to my mind was the 2020 movie, “Songbird”. The plot according to Wikipedia:
By 2024, the COVID-19 virus has mutated into COVID-23 and the world is in its fourth pandemic year. In the United States, people are required to take temperature checks on their cell phones while those infected with COVID-23 are taken from their homes against their will and forced into quarantine camps, also known as “Q-Zones” or concentration camps, where some fight back against the brutal restrictions. In these camps, the infected are left to die or forcibly get better.
The last thing I heard the Holy Spirit say on 12/20/2020 was “FREE BIRD”. In the movie “Songbird”, the main character was locked up, caged, unable to leave her home (4th year of lockdown). So by saying “FREE BIRD”, I believe the Lord is saying that in Christ Jesus, we are truly free no matter our circumstances in the natural. When Paul and Silas were locked up in stocks in prison after being beaten and falsely accused, they were joyful despite their circumstances. Their joy and peace was not from this world or from their physical circumstances, but from Jesus. They knew that this world was not their home, just a temporary stopover. They were on route to some place infinitely better. They set their sight on things eternal, not on things temporary. And Jesus will always keep us in perfect peace, as long as we keep our minds on Him.
ISAIAH 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
2 CORINTHIANS 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
JOHN 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
ACTS 16:22 The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered that they be stripped and beaten with rods. 23And after striking them with many blows, they threw them into prison and ordered the jailer to guard them securely. 24On receiving this order, he placed them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks.25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. At once all the doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose.
Hebrews 13:14 For here we do not have a permanent city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.
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