The Solid Rock Of Your Soul
December 7, 2021 1:12 PM
Brian Ethier
Every single word mentioned in the Holy Scriptures will come to pass,
And once saved always saved is nowhere mentioned, do return to class;
There has to be a commitment to change from evil, but are you willing to take?
Do pray for discernment and read your Bible for your eternity is at stake.
For the Lamb paid with His Blood in order to deliver us all,
As we cannot have two masters, do respond to His call;
Do run from sin and follow righteousness, do make it your goal,
And thus make the Savior the solid Rock of your soul.
To believe you’ve been baptized as an infant and by this you are now saved,
Is nothing but a lie from the devil for you to remain depraved;
Let the Good Shepherd lead you back with the sheep, into the fold,
And let go of pride and repent with remorse and let His Guidance take hold.
So many false doctrines and pagan holidays, they are simply traditions of man,
As the scales fall from your eyes, you see Truth, act as fast as you can;
For the darkness in this world will only increase with many deceptions everywhere,
Will you bow to your King, for His Kingdom of Glory and to be standing there?
Do run from sin and follow righteousness, do make it your goal,
And thus make the Savior King the solid Rock, the solid Rock,
The solid Rock of your soul!