America, Destruction, Prophecy, Vaccine, War, Weather


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


1/12/25 7:41 PM

My child, write these words down.

Who has heard the clarion call to come back to My heart? Do you not recognize the sign of the times? This planet is dying. Weather manipulation by your own military. The goal to destroy and seize the land. There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9) yet most of you have your heads in the sand. These are “NOT NORMAL WEATHER PATTERNS”.

The WAR is real. If one can’t see it they can’t believe it. My children, it is right before your eyes and you are consciously choosing to dismiss it. Admit to yourselves evil is rampant, the silent war and the war to strip all that once was good is on. You are in the war yet you see it not. Why do you choose to live in fear and ignorance, not acknowledging what no longer can be swept under the rug?

Children, all the numbers they give are completely off; only 100 dead in North Carolina for example. Can you, in your own rational mind, see this as truth? Thousands upon thousands have died. Millions have died due to the vaccine; yes, my little ones, understand their goal is to minimize what is truly happening. Notice the distractions. Notice how news channels quietly stop showing what is truly still going on. All those who control these major networks and media platforms like your news channels are controlled by powerful players involved in the takedown of America. The elitists, CIA, FBI and those hired are not your friends. They are trained puppets of the World Economic Forum (WEF), who use those they train and then throw them under the bus. Fools believing they will acquire lands and receive kingdoms. Only the very few at the top will remain. These are the puppeteers who control the narrative, who say who will live and who will die, who will take and take and destroy. Those you voted for are controlled by the cabal. Those run the show. They, too, sold their souls for power, status and control.

Your nation is under seize. All players are in place; systematically and methodically being taken down to be a Third World Country. This did not just happen overnight. Are you ready for these 15 minute smart cities-your new prison cells? Do you not remember how Lahaina was taken down? Same thing now in NC, TN, SC, GA and CA. They must destroy it first, then buy the land cheap and say “we are rebuilding smart cities for your protection and for sustainability”. Children, you live in a coma. This is a “dystopian world” you live in. Governments are in on it, Vatican is in on it, some other church organizations are in on it and some in the private sector are in on it; all to push the arrival of the Anti-Christ forward, establish a One World Religion, to lead all into the “digital age” so you will eagerly agree to take the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 13) You are living under the Beast system already and now they are finalizing the complete takeover to implement their New World Order (NWO). Those who will not comply will be subjected to death. Those who will not accept Islam into Christianity (Chrislam) will be martyred.

Persecution will be severe. Those who know My Word, read My Word, have it memorized in their hearts will stand and receive the crown of life. Those who are of the world and in unbelief this is happening in real time will not be able to stand. One must believe to be saved; yes, this is true but one can lose salvation as they willingly walk away out of fear (Heb.10:26-29 & Heb. 6:4-6). Objective has always been to cause the problem, create fear so the people will cry out for order. OUT OF CHAOS COMES ORDER (ORDO AB CHAO). Slogan of WEF “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY”.

Do you see how all this destruction along with the planned pandemic has put you exactly into the position you need to be? How many on their own can afford to rebuild? How many lost businesses and cannot re-open? How many lost jobs (livelihood) due to adverse reactions from the vaccine; now too ill to work? PAY ATTENTION TO THE PATTERNS. RECALL how they caused train derailments with toxic materials spilling into the water systems and into the air; chemicals-bioweapons. They have many.

A different kind of war. A bio-chemical war, a bio-engineered war of weather manipulation. Bio-weapon war injected into your body through the vaccine. Yes, children, you are “hooked up” to their nanobot system and can be easily controlled by 5G. This is all to eliminate what they consider all to be “parasites” and “useless eaters”.

Knowledge is power yet My churchgoers perish for lack of knowledge, refusing to learn, to read, to sit at My feet in a relationship only with Me.(Hosea 4:6). I will teach you if you make me your Rabbi. Those who are of Me earnestly sought Me daily, have been warning and warning and warning. You, Laodiceans, refuse to come to the truth; always learning and never receiving. (2 Tim. 3:7) You are rich and in need of nothing yet you are poor and naked. (Rev 3:7). You give me an hour or two a week and relegate Me to collect dust the rest of the week ’til you make your appearance on Sunday professing me with your lips yet your hears are far from Me. (Matt. 15:8)

NOW, listen to Me. The age of grace is ending. Great Tribulation is at the door. (Matt. 24:21-33). You will not be whisked away. You will be refined through the fire as you have neglected the better thing; to seek My face. You, who are of the world or have one foot in the world and one with Me will be tested and tried through much hardship and will you endure ’til the end? (Matt 24:13). Those who endure ’til the end shall receive a crown of life since you will set with Me on My throne.

Remove yourselves and be ye separate (2 Cor. 6:17). Time is very short; the hour much later than you think. Trump will not save you. I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Man is never to be idolized. Return to your First Love. I come from the Father and I have poured My blood out on that cross so that you would see how much I truly love you; how I am for you, not against you. (Rom. 8:31) I would do it all over again if only for one. My warnings were not to harm. These have always been out of love so that none of you would perish.(2 Peter 3:9) My arm is not too short to save (Isaiah 59:1) Soon, the door will be closed. My Return is soon. I will come as a thief in the night and bring My recompense with Me. (Rev. 22:12). Are you ready?

Repent daily, seek, learn from Me, read My Word, memorize some Scripture. PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE your spiritual house. You saw how many have died suddenly. You never know if it’s your time to go so prepare. Accept Me as Lord & Savior. Walk with Me in these troubled times. It’s about to get much worse.

I love you all. I am Yahushua (Jesus) who came in the flesh to show you the way. I desire more to return now. DO NOT think you have years and years to decide. If you were to be called tomorrow suddenly and died without repentance and accepting me as Lord & Savior you will NOT be with Me in My kingdom. NO Sin enters in. (1 Cor. 6:9; Eph.5:5). It is that simple. Choose-life everlasting or eternal torment. If you think life now is hell on earth imagine how much worse it will be for all who decide to reject Me now. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be given you. (Matt. 6:33)

I love you. I love you all. There are NO second chances in hell. Your second chance is now. Receive Me into your hearts. I love you more than you know. I died for you. I rose for you so you could live!

This is all child. (Then He added this):

To My Warriors of light. You are about to rise and shine (Isa. 61) Remain close to Me; stay focused. All will soon see who was truly of Me and who was not. You are My precious jewels who will gather in the last harvest with Me as I will go before you as your Captain. I love you all My Warriors. Continue worshipping Me in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Be excited. Your day to shine will be like no other.

I encourage you to listen to:

(I would like to extend to you this prayer to all those who have never been told you must profess and speak it out so you will receive God’s Spirit and be born again. Remember, be sincere; he reads your heart to know if you truly mean it)

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins and ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again. I invite Jesus into my life to be my Lord and Savior. Amen.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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