
The Sign of My Return – Whitney Eslick Manuel


The Sign of My Return

June 5, 2022 11:40 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

This word was given at 12:14am on June 6, 2022.

“My dearest daughter, write for Me. Write for your Beloved:

“It is time now; time has come quickly. I know you feel it. I have created signs to be showcased all around you. You cannot look without seeing a sign. The sign of My return, the Great and Marvelous Sign, is imminent. It will be here soon, on full display, for the whole world to see. Make sure you’re watching. My Bride, My tender one, My beloved one— she is watching. She is watching and waiting, waiting for her Beloved KING. Time has run out. Time has stilled. Do you feel the stillness and the anticipation in the air? It is the stillness and the anticipation the congregation of people experience as they await the appearance of a bride in your earthly weddings. Note the stillness, the waiting, the anticipation. The people are almost restless. When will she appear? And then, all at once, she finally appears and the music plays. I will cause My music to play, the music of the stars, and all will rise when they see My display of GLORY in My Bride. She once was hidden, but hidden no more she will shine My light and My countenance will glow through her for all the world to see. THIS is MY GLORY ON DISPLAY. This is My hour of revealing! Revealing of My great glory and power to all the world. This final hour is My hour and I AM LORD of all the world. This entire Earth is My harvest field and I AM come for Harvest!”


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