The Shaking Has Begun
7/ 6/ 19
Danita D. Arnett
“It has begun. The great shaking has begun. I have been shaking gently but my people remain asleep in the dark. But now, as a loving father shakes a sleeping child harder when they do not wake up in time of danger, so too will I shake harder and harder. Man will know it is I that shakes the Earth. All will have a knowing within. They will either bow their knee to Me or shake their fist at Me. Pray for the salvation of soul’s. Pray for stony hearts to be replaced with hearts of flesh. Pray for blinded eyes to be opened. Pray for the proud to humble themselves and cal l upon Me. For now it has begun and all t hat can be shaken will be shaken. Pray for My sleeping Church to w ake up and be the Light in the darkness that I called them to be. Pray for repentance. Pray for mercy for even in judgements I remain a merciful, loving father desiring that all would co me to the saving knowledge of My son, Jesus Christ. Pray ! Pray , I say PRA Y!
7/ 6/ 19
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