The Scales Will Tip
December 25, 2021 1:37 PM
Terri Hennessey
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. During time in praise and worship this morning, I received a message from ABBA Father. Though I did not ask Him about why Christmas is being celebrated when He told me (in a previous word as a confirmation to another persons word) about Christmas not being celebrated and that it was an abomination to Him, He, knowing my heart, relayed the message below to share. (All I know is that I don’t think any of us can comprehend the depth of love and mercy God really has for us…we keep waiting for the bottom to drop out from under us and for everything to begin, but our prays and our cries to our Almighty God causes Him to relent and to continue to be long suffering toward us. Though we strive, I don’t know if we can really grasp His Agape love for us. God Bless you All).
Dec 25,2021
Daughter write My words,
My ways, higher. My mercy, greater. My grace abounds. There are no measures, no limits, no finite end to who I AM or what I can or will do. I do as I please. In this hour, I call upon My Bride to seek Me, to praise Me, to worship Me, in spirit and in truth. My heart is for My children. I AM long suffering. Always have been and always will be; forever loving, kind, gentle, and patient. When My Bride prays for mercy, am I to ignore the pleas and cries of those who seek and long to feel My own heart? They cry for mercy. Am I to ignore those cries? What Father would turn his face and give his back to a child who cries for what is in My own heart? The day comes when evil will be equal to the love and goodness in the earth. The scales will tip and Satan will have his day, but ultimately, I AM in control of that scale. It is I AM who decides when and how much that scale tips. My heart peers out of those belonging to Me and those who feel what I feel, and when My children pray for all I long for, I cannot pretend, I cannot deny or ignore their cries. As evil ramps up and increases, so too should the cries of My Beloved. Fight against it. Continue to cry to Me. The day comes when the justice you seek, the righteousness you pray for, shall come down upon the wicked. It comes. Be ready for My mighty and powerful hand to move upon the wicked and take down to ground zero, the evil, who plot and plan for the demise of My unsuspecting children. I will remove the scales and will open the eyes of the blind and sleeping church. My timing, My authority, My hand alone shall choose; shall decide ‘when’ and ‘how’. It is your job to know the ‘why’ and to understand My prophecy written in My word. To pray for justice and to pray for deliverance of those in bondage; those who are captive. Fast. Pray. Seek Me unceasingly. I AM all there is. I AM all that matters. This world and all its treasures My children hold dear will disappear; will pass away; will no longer be what matters. Only My heart, My will matters.
Share this daughter with My Beloved.
Your Father,