
The Rumbling Footsteps of Many Horses-Approaching – McKana

The Rumbling Footsteps of Many Horses-Approaching

December 27, 2021 10:45 PM

December 27, 2021

Revelation 19:11-14
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

I was sick for over 40 days, very bad and painful. Even in the sever painful sickness, I suffered bad spiritual attack. In the middle of this bad sickness, the lord visited and comforted me coming close and saw Him in a mountainous garden sitting on a bench like the Lord is sitting with little children on His laps. When the Lord departs to the heavens, I followed Him and saw Him shower us with white fluid shower(the Holy spirit). The recovery took me a while, praise be to the Lord and the prayer of dear brothers, sisters and dear friends, I am back to my health. It was very close.

It is after I recovered that the Lord gave me a vision dream. I have seen the Lord leading the army of heaven on many horses with big rumble while I am watching way back behand them all. This is the rumbling of many horses revealed for us from the ground, signs of His approaching closer than ever.

December 24, 2021 ~4:AM

Vision dream of the trench and the rumbling steps of many, many horses.

I am in a hut which doesn’t have good walls, partly gone. I hear something behind the hut and tried to look. First I tried to look towards the north and then the south. I see some people in a distance which look like old Indian tents, military type. In the middle of this tense war like environment, I hear a rumbling of the footsteps of many, many frightening horses. They look to pass between me and the people a little further away. They are approaching, very close. They look to pass to the right rumbling but they didn’t, the are coming. It sounds like a train passing by but it is the footsteps of many horses. It sounds like a horse race but it is much heavy, terrifying rumble. It sounds it hits the ground but it is in the heavens. I looked north and south trying to find the source and what of it but this is The Sound of The End of Times, heaven approaching. I approached the people. They are armed waiting for invaders to come. It is close to war. They are armed, have short sized artillery covered with grass and stones around. The soldiers look policemen but army ready for the attackers to come. The attackers are very close and something of them is heard from the distance. The armed men and the artillery is facing towards a very tough rugged terrain one mountain after the other.

I followed the one with a gun. I told him “They should be ready, they know they are coming and this is their second time.” We crossed the street, found armed men lined up and giving guns for new in comers. It is in a wooded area. The armed men are behind a big tree, green all over. I followed the one in front of me and received a big gun. Next to those who have guns are other people being give guns and next to the people with guns are blue bags, look like a tent bags, rapped in a sack.


The trenched, ready for an attack from the close by enemy-war coming!

The rumbling of the steps of many horses is not earthly, it is heavenly, signaling the coming of the Lord.

The trench and the readiness for war are the carnal world.

The one with the gun crossing the road which I followed is the Lord. The armed people behind the tree and the greenery are the hidden army of the Lord. The people being armed are the new recruits and the blue bags which look like tents are the readiness to march for final work.

In a tense war like environment comes the rumbling of the horses, very close, not earthly but heavenly.

The Lord is very close!


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