Deception, Fallen Angels, Prophecy, War

The Riddle of Three! – William Brooks

The Riddle of Three!

9/5/24 12:37 PM
William Brooks

September 05, 2024

Hear the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach my loves and come to me for comfort and find rest in my love for you my little ones. For it is you who have been faithful over a few things and I will now make you ruler over much as you enter the joy of your Lord. Judgment is not for you my faithful, even all those who are in Christ and all those who have fallen asleep in Christ will be raised to newness of life suddenly and in the twinkling of an eye. For of a truth, I will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall be raised to life incorruptible and you which are alive and remian will be caught up with them in the clouds and so shall you ever be with and like your everlasting Lord. You will be instantly changed from your current fallen state to a fully redeemed creation of incorruption, even created newly as one new man, and as I am, so to will you be and as it is written so suddenly shall it be done.

Why do you let your hearts trouble you my children? Why do you let the words of the accuser trouble you into thinking there is no rapture, or that you are not good enough for my saving grace? I counsel you my Children to continue to walk by faith and not by sight and I am he who has made you worthy, even all who are in Christ and have a saving relationship with their Righteous Lord, so doubt not! Although, you have not seen me with your physical eyes, you know full well that I am your living Lord and saviour and in me is fullness of life and deliverance. Truly, truly he that believes on me he shall neither hunger nor thirst ever again.

For I am the Bread of life and all who eat will never hunger again, and I am he from whom rivers of living waters flow in all abundance and newness of life and he who drinks thereof shall never thirst again. But you all will be made alive in perfect health, perfect harmony, and perfect union with Yahweh, and your Living Lord and Saviour, for I am Christ Jesus who purchased you in my atoning blood and you truly are priceless. And so was the priceless payment given that I offered eternally of myself as the lamb of God, and so I presented my sacrifice on your behalf as the high priest forever after the order of Melchisidek and paid your ransom in my own sinless blood.

And so it is forevermore that there is no more need of sacrifice for sin because if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling them that are unclean, sanctifies as touching the purifying of the flesh, How much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternal Spirit offered himself without fault to God, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? And what the sacrifice of animals could not accomplish my atoning blood was able to accomplish once and forever more as I have made atonement for the sins of mankind, once and forever more even for all who make the choice to accept salvation in my name, for there is no other name given under heaven whereby men can be saved. So believe not their lies, for the dragon, beast, and false prophet will rise and they will seek to unite all spurious world religions under a new banner, except Jesus Christ will not be allowed amongst them, neither in name, nor in deed and it is given to them to make war on the saints and to overcome them. Truly, Truly, I have neither part nor lot with them and I am he who will utterly destroy them because in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.

And so now I speak to those who will come to me during Jacobs trouble, even the tribulation saints who will come to great reward and eternal inheritance in their eternal and everlasting Lord and Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And so it is written as eternal truth and so I say eternally and evermore that you are to enter in at the narrow gate: for it is the wide gate, and broad way that leads to destruction: and many there be which go in there at, Because the gate is narrow, and the way narrow that leads to life, and few there be that find it. So I command you my little ones to stay on the straight and narrow way and avoid the destruction of the foolish ones, even those whose names were never written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. Becuase they love the ways of destruction and they love unrighteousness and strong delusion do they prefer over righteousness and truth.

For they will run to and fro and all out war is coming on the earth, and all out destruction looms and is near, danger 911 emergency alert and the day draws ever closer and is upon you. And out of the ashes of war will they rise and from the ashes of war will they reveal themselves to mankind yet once again and mankind will wonder after the fallen ones in utter awe at their tricks with which they have enchanted the lost since the beginning. They will syncretize their spurious religions, and they will tell you many lies spoken from the mouths of lying spirits of antichrist, for many antichrists have gone into the world.

What is Antichrist, my children? Antichrist is in opposition to Christ, the true savior and Messiah, and also in place of Christ, for I am Yeshua HaMashiach and there is no other. And so their lies have already saturated the earth as they have prepared the masses for obedience to the unholy three, even the dragon, the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth which is also their false prophet. But what did John write on the subject in his first letter? I have not written to you, because you know not the truth: but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar, but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist, that denies the Father, and the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father: but he that acknowledges the Son, has the Father also.

And so it is, that I, Jesus the Nazarene, am the way the truth and the life, and absolutely no one comes to Yahweh, except through me. I am the only door, and I am the only way to Yahweh, the great eternal God, for so Yahweh has declared and so Yahweh has arranged and decided from before the foundations of the earth in his everlasting foreknowledge and wisdom. Which of you is able to counsel Yahweh, the great eternal God? Though ten thousand times ten thousand surround his throne, he needs no counselor, and it is Yahweh the great eternal God who works all things after the counsel of his own will that you should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ.

So understand the coming deception that is already come over the earth. For Satans ministers speak in opposition to the truth, and they are shouting abroad and shouting loudly that all world religions lead to the same god no matter what faith they are from, no matter their beliefs that all other names given by the fallen ones are true and lead to the true god, but to the Dragon alone do they lead. Truly, truly I tell you, do not believe their lies and do not even wish them godspeed who believe such foolishness. For broad is the gate to destruction, which leads to that great burning lake of fire, and Satan seeks to push as many as he can down his road to everlasting destruction, for so is his inheritance and so is his hate for you all. Do not believe their ecumenical lies and run from their unholy union, for the end thereof are the hottest flames of blue as burning brimstone rolls and burns forevermore, and none shall escape who are bound and cast to the fires.

Understand my children that all of their names lead to the same god, even Satan, for they are no gods but pretenders who pretend. And so they will wave their flags of diversity and they will claim that many names lead to the same god. And on one hand they are correct because many roads lead to the god of this world, whose judgment has come and whose punishment and destruction lingers not. And on the other hand, they lie to the world and seek to entice all who will follow their destructive ways into their new society that will rise from the ashes of war that will require the mark to enter. Take not their mark, for all who do are eternally damned and altered forevermore. And they do lie ever grieviously that all names lead to the true God, even Yahweh who is the everlasting God of Israel, because Yahweh chose Jacob for himself that you may be a peculiar people to himself. And so Satan ever seeks to counterfeit the ways of the one true God, even El Shaddai who is the Almighty God! And so he has made many counterfeit religions that are designed to counterfeit the ways of Yahweh, the Everlasting God of all eternity and all of these counterfeit faiths end in eternal destruction for those who are so ensared. For what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird?

And so they already give blessings for all, even all religions, and they already seek to unite all religions under their banners of ecumenical compromise, for so are their ways of psychological manipulation accomplished. On one hand they present the thesis, on the other hand they present their antithesis and out of controlled conflict they bring about their synthesis for they do seek to synthesize all cultures, nations, and kindred and tongues into their satanic society that they may destroy all who follow their destructive ways. And so understand that which is crooked cannot be made straight, and their good words and fair speeches are designed to appeal to human emotion and lust and false sympathy that they will brand as holiness. Understand that mankind of himself is utterly corrupt and cannot straighten his own path and there is no good in mankind, but mankind was corrupted by the disobedience of Adam and especially by the lies and trickery of the serpent, of whose head I will surely crush for Yahweh has declared from the beginning the end of that lying snake who feeds on the dust of the earth.

So it has been, so it is, and so will it be, that there is nothing new under the sun. And as the world turns from grace to judgment sudden calamity is about to fall and suddenly will it be. So I counsel all who read these words to understand that these words did not find you by accident, but they are sent of Yahweh himself by way of his only-begotten son, even Yeshuah HaMashiach spoken in unison by my servants the prophets. And it is me, Jesus the Nazarene, even Yeshua HaMashiach who paid the eternal price for your salvation and the salvation of all who will yet come to eternal life in my unending and eternal love of which Yahweh created me to fulfill. I say to you the same as I have said from the beginning. That I, Jesus the Christ, even Yeshua HaMashiach am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by me and there is no other name given on earth, ever, whereby men must be saved and all other names no matter how convincing the counterfeit do not lead to the true God, even the Father of Lights of whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning. So understand my little ones that you are the lights of the world that Yahweh has fathered, even created newly in me Christ Jesus the everlasting righteous Lord and I have been made a life giving spirit.

Behold, I show you a riddle that will impart wisdom to the wise and will keep the foolish and unlearned from joining those bound for destruction in their ways. 3,2,1 and of the world’s many religions there are three that dominate that will lead to a false unholy one and the three appear as enemies and many wars have they fought. Yet, of the three, two are secretly allies and the one will use the other and they both lead to destruction. For of the three, two will turn viciously against the one, even the holy one of which they hate but of whom they are completely overcome. And so the holy one will bring judgment to the house of God first because judgment begins at the house of God and the day of judgment has come.

Although the holy one has overcome, two of the three will turn to destroy the one, but that destruction is impossible, and the one has already obtained complete victory. But so will the deception be that two of the three will turn on the one and make false accusations in the mouths of many false witnesses, and they will make war with the saints and overcome them. And with many blasphemous lies they do overspread the earth, but the one, even the holy one of God has already overcome them and will crush their head utterly. But the two will appear victorious over the one they seek to destroy, and of the two they will make war on the one, though their final destruction lingers not. And so the snare will be set for the world that out of great violence and war they will synthesise themselves so that three, two, one becomes two, one, three because they will synthesize themselves into one false religion that is led by the unholy three, even the Dragon, the beast from the sea, and beast from the earth which is also their false prophet.

And so I show you the answer to my riddle of threes. The three are three dominant religions that dominate the world that now is and of the three only one is true, even the holy one of God, for I Yeshua HaMashiach am the holy one of God who has overcome the evil one and who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I cannot be overcome, and I am given a name above every name that at the name of Jesus the Christ, even Yeshua HaMashiach, (for I am savior of gentile and Judean alike) should every knee bow both in heaven and in earth and even under the earth. And so two false religions appear in opposition to each other but have sought to ingratiate themselves to the one, and truly Satan has counterfeited my true Church with a false whore that glorifies and worships the queen of heaven. And so they seek a false alliance and have mixed many lies into the truth, except lies and truth do not mingle: you either have a lie or you either have the truth: there is no other choice. And as my true church is taken into the heavens and the restrainer is removed, so will the counterfeit church be destroyed and so the one is removed entirely. The two remaining religions will rise in false victory and a false peace will they have, and a false unity will they seek to unify the lost, even offering eternal life, perfect health and a new day will the dragon offer. And he will unite the two into a religion their fathers did not know but will appear the same because mankind is ignorant of his true past, and by this synthesis of destruction they will go to to the everlasting fires. Because all who join them are those who have pleasure in unrighteousness and not only so but those who love and believe and make and worship lies because their ways are false and perverse and their ways lead to the second death.

And so will they lead astray the world who will wonder after them saying who is like the beast? And one beast will be given the power of the other beast and the beast from the sea will rule them according to his rule and the beast from the earth will rule the land according to his rule, and they shall rule the earth in unrighteousness. And of the two remaining they shall synthesize as one. Except, their ways are death and therein is the trap set, for what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird? All who follow their ecumenical ways will be united only in the inheritance of the fallen ones, and all who unite themselves through their serpents bite will all share of the fallen one’s inheritance in that great lake of burning brimstone where they burn eternally, and their worm dies not. And so their ecumenism is littered with snares that are cleverly hidden, For what fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird?

So I counsel all who read these words and all who have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand that salvation and eternal life and the true God, even Yahweh himself is found in no other name except the name of the only-begotten son of God, even Jesus Christ who is also Yeshua HaMashiach, and I am the savior for all mankind even the race of Adam of whose blood the entire race of men share fully. And in whatever tongue, and from whatever nation, all may come freely and receive my gift of eternal salvation by calling on my holy name until the end. For I am your Lord and savior, only never let my name depart from your lips, and I will save you to the uttermost.

Join not their ecumenism, for they know not what they worship, and they are enchanted by lies that will lead them to their eternal destruction. And so it is that salvation is found in no other name and there is no other name that has been given where mankind may be saved and that mankind may approach Yahweh, for he that has not the son has not the Father. And so I will uphold and strengthen all who call on my holy name to the end. And you will do great exploits for me, and I send you to love the Lord your God with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself and to help and love one another in the worst times that are about to break across the earth.

So three, two, one where two will turn on the one and the two remaining will synthesise as one and will be ruled by the unholy three who will rule those whose names were never written in the book of life from before the foundations of the world. Only join them not my saints, for it is better to lose your life that you may find it than to love your life only to lose your lives eternally in everlasting destruction. Behold! The final seperation is about to start and the times are now. Fear them not my little ones, but rely on your everlasting Lord and savior and I am an everlasting help in times of need and I will yet save a multitude of multitudes during Jacobs trouble and I will yet save a remnant of Israel and none is able to pluck you from my hands.

Understand that your hope is an eternal hope, and I have not left you hopeless and I have left you an everlasting example. For it is written of me in Hebrews: Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God. And so understand that my example of obedience echoes as an example to strengthen your faith that you may endure to the end, even as I endured to the end when I said those final Words on the cross: It is finished. And so God raised me from the dead because it was impossible that death should hold me, for mine is the innocent blood.

And so I have given you great hope my little ones, even so that you may fasten your minds on the joy that is set before you because the sufferings of Jacobs trouble do not compare nor are they worthy to be mentioned in relation to the eternal joy set before you. Behold! It is written by John the Revelator: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sits on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the Sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. They shall be Priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

And so is your hope my loves that you may endure to the end and yours is an eternal hope because El Shaddai the Almighty God will create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness and you be given access to that holy city prepared and adorned by Yahweh himself as a bride prepared for the bridegroom and from the tree of life you will eat. And as it is written: He that overcomes, shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

I Yeshua HaMaschiach am he who has sent my Words by my servant and by my servant have my words been sent for the obedience of all who read. And I have revealed the everlasting gospel for the times of its reavealing are now.

I am he who is coming for those in Christ and will rescure the faithful in my Church from the refiners fire and the wrath to come.

I am he who seperates the wheat from the tares and not one of you can be plucked from my hand.

Stand for me my tribulation saints, and come to me O’ Israel for I am Yeshua HaMashiach your true Messiah and I have given you great hope and great strength and many of you will do mighty works for me, and not one of you will go unrewarded for even the tiniest things you do during times of great trouble bring eternal reward of which glory your sufferings are not worthy to be mentioned so call on my mighty name my people! Salvation and great reward are in my hand for those who overcome, for so Yeshua HaMashiach promises for the faithful.

Behold, the times are now!


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