By HolySpiritWind
Prophetic words from the Holy Spirit
Saturday, July 1, 2017
The Revival that is Coming is Actually a Reformation into what I Intended the Church to be in the Beginning!
Received 6-23 through 7-1-17
I hear many of My people crying out as never before for revival.
I want to tell you, My beloveds, that it is not coming the way most of My body thinks. I will not use the church as it now is, for the foundation is crumbling and it will not withstand the shaking and floods. The revival that is coming is actually a reformation into what I intended the church to be in the beginning! It will not be like the reformation in times past led by Martin Luther it will be completely led by My Holy Spirit!
In the 500 years since the reformation, little has changed. Now it ALL will change!
The former rain is coming but also the later rain in the same month! A flood of My Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh. It is yet another way that the times in which you live is like that of Noah. All of the religious buildings and institutions that are not on the ark shall be swept away and destroyed. My remnant bride, while in the ark, will rise up and float upon the Spirit’s floods and even call all those who listen, into safety, but those who do not hearken and come in the ark; who is I Jesus, shall perish in their sins.
It will be nothing like what you or anyone else has ever seen on this earth, for all the power of My Spirit shall be poured out and it will shake the foundations of the heavens and the earth. All that has not been built upon Me, the mighty immovable rock of your salvation, will be moved. That which is in the Spirit precedes that which is in this physical realm and thus, the shaking of My church of is beginning.
Now, I speak to the ones that are not operating under the leading of My Spirit and to the ones who once were but have taken the lead away from Me and have gone a different way. Most of those who are holding high positions in My church treat it as it is their church, to do as they please. They seek the expansion of their own kingdoms. These ones ignore My pleas for them to change their ways and follow My narrow path in humbleness and being led by My Spirit. The anointing shall leave those who do not teach and preach living in holiness, righteousness and repentance before a Holy God. My Spirit is now withdrawing from those who have grieved Me time and time again. As I have said in My word, the gifts of God are without repentance but I will not allow those who move in the flesh to have My anointing anymore. These leaders will now be left desolate because of their disobedience. “Ichabod” shall be written above the doors of their churches and their dwelling places, for My Spirit is departing. Sadly, most of these will not even notice that My Spirit is no longer with them.
My grace for the salvation of sinners will be unto the very end of this age and all who call upon the name of Jesus shall be saved. At the same time though, My tolerance for hypocrites who call themselves by My name but do not yield to My Spirit in 100% surrender, is decreasing at a rapid pace.
These men have led My sheep astray and I am putting a stop to it. They have not warned My flock of the danger that is lurking right around the corner and of the dark times that they are in. This is because they themselves have been blinded and deafened by the strong drink that the world has offered them. Those who are intoxicated can only be awakened by a strong jolt, because all of My warnings to them have gone unheeded. As the end time events unfold some will sober up and these will be guided by My remnant bride, who accept their new positions, into repentance and salvation.
It is not for My beloved remnant bride to judge the hearts of these men but to fill the gaps that they have left.
My Beloved remnant bride, your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be one of reconciliation not of condemnation.
Will you be the ones who will stand in the gap so that I may show mercy in My judgments?
Will you be the ones to go with Me and help Me seek and save that which was lost?
I pray your answer is yes!
It will by the power of My Spirit, that you will go out and they shall see My Spirit upon you.
I will protect you as you are reaping My harvest and you shall be greatly rewarded.
My angels and I shall accompany you for the harvest is great and the workers are few.
In My Father’s kingdom the humble servant of all is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Will you not humble yourselves and be like Me?
Until now I have left the wheat and the tares to grow together because their roots are tangled together and the wheat would be uprooted if the tares were pulled out too soon. I have waited until just before the harvest of the wheat into My barn to do this so that the wheat could ripen in the heat of sun.
(This speaks of trials and persecution) The tares stand tall and proud even in harvest time but the wheat bows its head and by this I know that it is ready for harvest.
Keep on pressing into Me, praying and interceding for the lost across the world.
None shall be saved without prayer.
Jesus Christ
Yahusha Hamashiach
HolySpiritWind at 1:18:00 PM