
The Remnant – Terry Crockett

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The Remnant

9/13/24 2:34 PM
Terry Crockett


MY prophet Isaiah brought into see, The Lord high and lifted up, beholding the Lord of Glory and of the Living God! Hallelujah

Did this experience have any impact on his life.  A prophet commission and called, sent to speak in the Lord’s behalf to a people made deaf.  How many people refused to listen to warnings of war coming by Isaiah’s mouth. For not much has changed in your day.

But a promise of hope in the midst of war: some would survive and return to rebuild their land.  God’s Holy Remnant preserved being brought through and commissioned to rebuild and restore God’s Land in the Earth.

A people in Isaiah’s day kept through the of war, by Supernatural Ways and Means, being Divinely shielded from destruction as their beloved land was ravaged and possessed by their enemies.  Their hearts broken but they endured even the fiercest of battles, coming out to again posses and restore the land God had given them.  

Restoration in the mind of God even before the war, promising those who put their trust in Him, would be kept, preserved and be brought out to rebuild their land.

Can I do it again?  Am I able to keep a people by preserving them from the sting of death bringing them out to the other side of war?  Have I not made it known that a “Remnant” will come out from the God of Jacob, flying the Flag of Independence again where Freedom now takes on a whole new meaning.

Indeed daughter, I AM REIGNS!

Amen and Amen

Psalm 46

11 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
12 The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.


From sagab; properly, a cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible (unreachable) place); abstractly, altitude; figuratively, a refuge — defence, high fort (tower), refuge, (Where the enemy cannot cross over)

Psalm 20:1

May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!


Isaiah 6

9And He replied:

“Go and tell this people,

‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;

be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’

10Make the hearts of this people calloused;

deafen their ears and close their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts,

and turn and be healed.c

11Then I asked:

“How long, O Lord?”

And He replied:

“Until the cities lie ruined

and without inhabitant,

until the houses are left unoccupied

and the land is desolate and ravaged,

12until the LORD has driven men far away

and the land is utterly forsaken.

13And though a tenth remains in the land,

it will be burned again.

As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled,

so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”

Isaiah 7

3Then the LORD said to Isaiah, “Go out with your son Shear-jashub 

Shear-jashub means a remnant shall return.

Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers

As a teil tree.—Better, terebinth; and for “when they cast their leaves” read, when they are cut down. The “teil tree” of the Authorised Version is probably meant for the “lime” (tilier, tilleul). The thought of this verse is that embodied in the name of his son Shear-jashub (see Note on Isaiah 7:3), and constantly reappears (Isaiah 1:27Isaiah 4:2-3Isaiah 10:20Isaiah 29:17Isaiah 30:15, &c). The tree might be stripped of its leaves, and its branches lopped off, and nothing but the stump left; but from that seemingly dead and decayed stock, pruned by the chastisements of God (John 15:2), a young shoot should spring, holy, as consecrated to Jehovah, and carry on the continuity of the nation’s life. The same thought is dominant in St. Paul’s hope for his people. At first the “remnant,” and then “all Israel,” should be saved (Romans 11:5Romans 11:26). In Isaiah 10:33 to Isaiah 11:1 the same image is specially applied to the house of David, and becomes, therefore, essentially Messianic.


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