The Prince Of Peace Has Now Come To Me
November 18, 2020 3:11 PM
Brian Ethier
For me now all weights are gone and my heart is light,
As all of my scarlet robes have now been changed to white;
Oh, all praise belongs to my blessed Redeemer! For indeed I need no more,
Of that heavy burden of sin as all its guilt I now so deplore.
Oh, to be saved in Yahusha’s Blood, to Him I do dearly cling,
For now my soul is so happy in my Savior King;
Oh! Glory, glory, Oh! Can it be,
That the Prince of Peace has now come to me!
Where before only passions reigned and tempers foamed,
Oh! But now my Deliverer, He sits in love enthroned;
For now no dregs of carnal strife are to be found,
But only hope, love, happiness and peace abound.
Oh! For the wonderful Grace, for how great the change!
As my singing soul now takes her joyful range;
Amid all the scenes of beauty in the shining Light,
Where just before it was all but gloomy night.
For now all of the gilded glory of this dark fading world,
It has by far been eclipsed and into nothing hurled;
Oh! Now before the super-excellence, for such happiness!
By being set free by Heaven’s peace and righteousness.
Oh! Glory, glory, glory! Oh! Can it be,
That the Prince of Peace has now come to me!