Krystal Beall
Behold the hour has come. My beloved faithful ones whom have lifted your heads to my call…rejoice I say. I say again…REJOICE. For I know many of you are longing and weary. Many of you have suffered for my name sake. Refined by MY fire…the furnace of affliction has been hot. For many of you…your losses have been great. You who have shared my bitter cup of suffering are about to taste the sweet. Your rewards are GREAT I SAY TO YOU. GREAT. In this last hour as the beast is revealed..the man of sin…the lawless one…the son of perdition….so to am I revealed. There is much which has occurred.. is occurring…and will occur. My door is open and the gathering of the elect is nearing completion. The last shall be first..the first last. I have prepared a place that where I AM you may be also. The battle in heaven is fierce..the earth is to feel the full effects thereof. My faithful ones in the twinkling of an eye you shall behold my face…You whom I have hidden in the cleft of the rock…whom I have covered with my feathers…I AM among you. I have been for sometime. I have seen…I have heard. I have collected. The time has come for all men to reap what they have sown. The nation of America has sown in sin and shall reap a harvest of destruction. All nations who forget ME…GOD are turned into hell. America you have REJECTED ME. My heart grieves. My anger is fierce. I AM not without mercy yet I can not nor will I bless a nation whom has rejected me. have not only rejected have robbed me. My tears fall stirring the waves and men are wahed up in my grace…my love. I SAY IT AGAIN…AMERICA YOU HAVE REJECTED ME. I AM ANGRY WITH YOU. I LOOK AT YOU WITH WITH MUCH PAIN AND FIRE. I WILL RECOMPENSE YOU IN FULL. YOU HAVE PIERCED MY HEART. I SHALL NOW PIERCE YOURS. IT WILL BE FATAL. YOU HAVE SLAMMED YOUR DOOR IN MY FACE AND REJECTED ME….I TOO SLAM MY DOOR….REAP WHAT YOU HAVE SOWN AMERICA…..REJECT LIFE…RECEIVE DEATH…SOW IN SIN…REAP A HARVEST OF DESTRUCTION. TAKE FROM ME WHAT IS NOT YOURS…RECEIVE WHAT YOU ARE FULLY DESERVING OF. I GAVE GRACE…I AWAITED THEE TO TURN..REPENT…MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE..MY PLEAS FELL UPON MANY A DEAF EARS. HEARTS OF STONE. YOU DO NOT FIX BROKEN HEARTS YOU SAY..I AGREE FULLY…YOU CAUSE THEM…YOUR gods of MAMMON WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU. THE BLOOD HAS BEEN VINDICATED.. TO MY LOVED ONES IN ME….IT IS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE. I AM IN YOU. WITH YOU. FOR YOU. NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU. NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU BEHOLD I COME QUICKLY. MY REWARDS ARE WITH ME. BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOM ARE CALLED UP TO THE WEDDING BANQUET OF THE LAMB.