The Measuring Rod Vision! Fullness is Coming! – Prophet Todd
I saw in an open vision encounter during midday an awakening angel dressed in the most beautiful sapphire blue garment and the most brilliant white light (Zechariah 4:1). I heard, “It’s time to awaken the sleeping giant – the church.” “Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from the dead and the Anointed One will shine his light into you!” (Ephesians 5:14 PT)
This angel of awakening was to wake up the sleeping church to the reality that we can have as much of heaven and Jesus as we want now – unlimited access. There is an invitation to step into the current moving and new sound of revival. There is a new season of revival, awakening, movement, and harvest upon us. We are at a tipping point for this new season of outpouring!
The Book of Destiny!
The angel I saw also had a book of destiny in his hand, like a book of remembrance. The Lord was saying put your name in this book, and I realized the title of the book was called Awakened Destinies. Our destiny will not be held captive any longer by the enemy. There was destiny reveled with power for purpose released.
The Bowls are Almost Full!
The angel I saw was also had a measuring rod in the other hand. I realized that God was not measuring us based on how we did not measure up, but by how close we were to His standard! I immediately realized how close we were to seeing the bowls of prayer and intercession tip in favor of an outpouring that I saw as fresh gold oil! (see Revelation 8:1-4) Why gold oil? The gold would come with the glory, and it would purify.
The rod that I saw in my vision was not a rod of judgment or a negative plumb line, but more like the blessing rod or a scepter type rod that was a symbol of favor and authority to rule. In my vision, I thought of Aaron’s rod that blossomed with almonds, which represent fatness, fruitfulness, and anointing. I realized in the encounter with the awakening angel how close the church was to embracing the top of the scepter (rod) like Esther (see Esther 5:1-5).
I immediately thought of all the other Scriptures where there were examples of measuring rods or the plumb line. It can be a sign of coming into His divine order and alignment. It can also represent increase like in Ezekiel 47 where the river of God that started ankle deep got so deep that it could not be crossed by foot, but had to be swam across. Again in Amos 7 we see God’s plumb line and in Revelation 11:1-2the angel was measuring three things with the measuring rod-the temple, altar, and those who worship there. God is measuring the standard of our worship and prayer. I knew that the fiery intensity of the way we pray and worship was directly connected to how God answered prayer to determine when we were ready to tip the golden bowls of intercession over in heaven. When this happened, it led to a great release of power and revival (see Revelation 11:2-6; Revelation 8:1-4).
Fresh Oil!
Zechariah 4 and Revelation 21 are other examples of the measuring rod. I quickly realized how full the golden lampstands were already, and how in Zechariah 4:14 the lampstands and the oil represent the sons of fresh oil, called the anointed ones.
I love the example in Ephesians 4:13 that we are being filled with the fullness of God being filled up with all the full stature of Christ. God’s standard of measurement is the revelation of God Himself in us!
It was clear to me that there was an invitation to the nations to take hold of revival now. There was an invitation to take intentional steps forward because we were close to measuring full in prayer, hunger, and worship. God will respond and answer from heaven when the golden bowls are full. It is a tipping point time! I saw how far the church has come already in preparing the ground, and I saw the momentum achieved. If we could maintain the momentum and push a little bit harder, it would help us break through to fullness. We are ready for the unstoppable force and momentum of revival