The Mark
11/4/24 5:39 PM
God’s USB Stick: Video link of dream:
My Dream On February 3rd 2024 at 6:45 am
I was sneaking into a two story garage. I was near the alley side of the garage, on the second floor, making my way to the other side near the back yard. This was area was being used as a storage area. There was a lot of stuff and I was climbing over it; big boxes, a mattress leaning diagonally, stuff stacked on a child’s play horse (the ones on a frame with springs), etc. I recognized some of these things from my past. Oddly, this garage seems vaguely familiar to me as well. The first floor was being used as a living room area and there were a couple of children there but no adults which is why I was upstairs sneaking through the second floor. I made it through all the stuff, down the stairs, and to the front door that leads into the backyard.
As I was about to exit the door, I saw adults about to come in. One was carrying a toddler. I was caught so I decided to just open the door like it was no big deal. The people coming in were surprised but before they could ask any questions (who I was, why I was in their garage, etc), I noticed something in the sky. It was a drone and was hovering right over the back yard. It was beige in color and about the four feet around; the size of the plastic, round, kiddie pools or play sandbox by Little Tykes. I pointed at it and said “LOOK!” It hovered for about 15 seconds, tilting up and down, right and left. I looked and saw about 7 or 8 other drones; one in each neighboring yard. I figure they were scanning us so I said, “No wait; don’t look! Quick, come in here!” I ushered everyone, including neighbors, into the garage. While everyone was coming into the garage, the drones all came together in the yard near the garage and then flew off.
Inside the garage were couches and chairs around two outer walls with the rest of the area open. There were about 10-15 adults and a few of children. We all sat down and started talking about what just happened and what those drones could have been doing. Not long after we sat down, there was a knock on the door. The room became quiet, and someone got up and answered the door. A few men in light blue uniforms came in; the uniforms looked similar to the ones worn on Star Trek TV show. They started addressing the group; I don’t remember what was said. Two of them had guns and two had hand held devices. One had a hand held scanner and used it to start scanning the forehead of each adult. He started on the right side of the room next to the door. About halfway through the room, he scanned someone and did not approve of what was showing on the scanner. After he scanned the forehead, he spoke quietly to the person. The shook their head in agreement and pointed towards their forehead or cheek area of the face. Then the man with the other hand held device, a chip inserter, put it on that person’s head and inserted a chip.
There was a young teen sitting next to me. She knew me, and reminded me of one of my daughters in real life. She was not concerned for herself, but was concerned for me. She said, “You have to move or get out of here” as she knew I did not have the chip and I would not agree to take it. She knew they were going to kill me for refusing. She kept whispering to me and trying to come up with a plan. One of the men got up off the couch and went to a thermostat on the wall to adjust the temperature in the room. He had already been scanned. The young girl next to me said, “Let’s move over there to his seat.” I knew we could not just do that without being noticed so I stood up and went toward the man at the thermostat while talking about how to adjust it. Several others stood up also and joined in which made a commotion. The men in blue ordered everyone to sit back down. Somehow we were able to take a seat within the people who had already been scanned. The men in blue continued where they had left off and seemed to not notice we had switched seats. Others may have switched too, I am not sure. After the men in blue finished scanning the adults in the room, they left after presuming to scan everyone and giving the all clear.
Again, everyone was standing around talking. There was no animosity towards anyone, whether one had the chip or not; it seems there were a few of us not chipped. Everyone was concerned about how to keep us unchipped ones safe.
Then I woke up.
Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
EndTimePropheticMessengers144k (In kiosk link) and 444Prophecynews
#15 – The Mark of the Beast
#619 – Mark of the Beast
#729 – The Great Madness and The Mark of the Beast
Vicki Goforth Parnell Full (In kiosk link)
#20 – The Mark Dream
#43 – The Mark and The Image of the Beast Dream
#233 – It’s Almost Ready The Mark Dream
#365 – Which Mark Will You Choose
#481 – Antichrist’s Mark of Loyalty Dream
Spirit of Prophecy (In kiosk link) and 444Prophecynews
#63 – Reject the Mark of the Beast