The Line is Drawn
October 24, 2023 4:39 PM
Roxanne V
The Holy Spirit is doing some serious nudgings for me to put yet another warning out on participating in halloween.
You may have heard a promptings yourself and haven’t acted on it yet. In this message, I included words from two sisters that add to the urgency and clarity of this message. Given in three sections, this is a final effort to urge you, loved ones, friends and anyone you share it with, to stop now and do not participate in any piece of it in 2023. The line is drawn and the warnings are final.
Section 1: Still celebrating halloween – a holiday of death, terror and doom?
(A video I posted over a year ago about a demonic manifestation around halloween party favors and costumes.)
Evil tries to make it cute and endearing to our children and families, but don’t be fooled – God hates it and when you take part in what He hates you put yourself into the path of His wrath. It took me a long time to stop participating in it – too long. In this video I tell of a demon attack getting ready for halloween. It took place several years ago, yet only when I came back to the Lord, in autumn of 2020, is when I finally stopped participating. Don’t be like me and delay. Hear what happened:
Section 2: This message is an urgent warning for those not yet ready and choosing to take part in halloween:
(Message excerpt, link at end to hear the full message – given to sister Angela – 10/18/23)
This is what He said:
Have you put your faith in me? Have you confessed with your mouth that I Am Lord and believed in your heart what you profess?
Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say? Why are there accursed objects in your home objects to protect you and keep evil out, tell me dear ones, how does that honor me?
Why do you practice the things I hate? My word is to train you in righteousness, not make you better sinners. Must you treat my grace as
common? My grace is no such thing! My grace is sufficient for your insufficiency. My grace is power personified! My grace is the Spirit that
gives you life and peace! My grace is My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!Is the Blood on your door? Will My wrath pass by your house? Do you know me? Do I know you? Are you obeying my commands? Are you honoring Me in the way that you live? Are you seeking the will of My Father? Are you abiding in Me?
Is the Blood on your door? Will My wrath pass over? Did you come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing? Is My joy your strength? Have you entered into my rest?
Are you taking no part in in the unfruitful works of darkness (evil’s holiday) or are you getting dressed up this year to celebrate them?
Those who do these things will taste My wrath swiftly – you have been warned! You cannot call yourself Mine and celebrate death, destruction, torment and fear. If you do, the Blood is not on your door and My wrath will not pass you by says the Lord of Hosts.
Link to hear the full message:
Section 3: Renounce, Decree and Declaration against halloween:
(Edited compilation: 2022 Yvon Attia and my words) Pdf:
[pdf-embedder url=””]
Photos courtesy Depositphotos