The Light Will Rise Above The Darkness – Diana Pulliam
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
One morning in 2014, after a time of prayer and study, I was sitting quietly before the Lord, when suddenly I had an open vision:
I saw the earth from about the distance of an orbiting satellite. As I watched, darkness began to gather around the planet. It appeared as dark clouds, and increased until it encircled the earth like a blanket. The heavy darkness then began to descend.
As the darkness descended, I saw lights begin to appear and sparkle all over the surface of the planet. Soon, it looked like the photos you see from satellite of developed countries at night, but these lights were appearing all over the earth. The lights became so bright it was blinding, and they started to rise from the surface of the earth.
The brightness of the lights increased until it appeared as one great light rising up to meet the descending darkness. Then millions of light rays began piercing and shooting through, until finally, the light completely penetrated and rose high above the darkness. End of Vision
It was difficult to adequately describe what I saw, because this was an absolutely awesome and thrilling sight! My spirit was quickened and soared triumphantly within me. The Lord had given me a glimpse of the rapture of the Church! At least, that’s what I thought I saw until just recently…
On May 9th, the Lord showed me the vision again, and said, “The Light will rise above the darkness!”
He then began to show me other images and spoke about a particular directive given to His Church – His very Body on the earth. I heard the Lord speak the following, and I believe it’s to remind the Saints of their position and assignmentin these last days:
“Take your seat, and enter my rest!”
When I heard these words, it was impressed upon me that, aside from a few exceptions, the Church as a whole has yet to claim her seat and enter His rest. Just like the Israelites who, because of their unbelief, refused to enter the promised-land, so is the Church in its present condition. Israel refused to obey, would not look to Him as their provider, nor trust Him as their defender; but instead focused on their deficiencies, the lack of water, and the size of their enemy; so their carcasses dropped in the wilderness. They refused to enter His promised rest (Heb 4:1-5).
“Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to fall short of it… There remains a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His….. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience…” (Hebrews 4)
Our Father is calling out to His people to enter His rest. The Father told Jesus, “Sit thou on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (Matt. 22:44).
Seated With Jesus
Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father. (Rom. 8:34) He is to sit there until His enemies are made His footstool. So what about the Church?
Though we’re many members, we are all one body in Christ (Rom. 12:5). He is the Head, and we are the body (Eph. 5:23, Col.1:18). “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him…” (Eph. 1:22)
“But God…made us alive together with Christ, and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…” (Eph. 2:4-6).
So the Church has been made to sit together in Christ at the right hand of the Father. That is our rightful position! And we enter His rest through Jesus Christ – He is our rest. But Paul explained that we have to be diligent to enter that rest, to fear lest we fall short of it. Just as it is by faith we receive eternal life through the shed blood of Jesus, so is it by faith we enter His rest, and we take our assigned seat together with Him in the heavenly realm. Through lack of faith, ignorance and/or deception, the Church has yet to enter in and take their rightful position. But when we do, our God will make our enemies our footstool.
The Fullness of Him
The authority Jesus gave to His Church is delegated and entrusted only to those who by faith, will enter His rest and accept their seat in Christ in the heavenly realm. As this Body takes their seat, they triumphantly enter the promised land!
Once we take our seat in Christ, we’ll no longer be of this world, just as He was not of this world (John 15:19). We will only do what we see the Father do, and we will only say what we hear the Father say. Our prayers will no longer be directed up to God, but coming from Him, speaking into existence the very will of the Father!
The works of Jesus will be done, and even greater works than He did (John 14:12). I was previously given a glimpse of what that will look like:
Jesus said He was the Light of the world (John 8:12). He said WE are also the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). The vision I saw of the light rising above the darkness was what this process looks like from the spirit realm. As each Saint, by faith, enters His rest and takes their seat in Christ at the right hand of the Father, a light appears and begins to sparkle. The light grows brighter and brighter as the Church – the Body of Christ – becomes the fullness of Him.
When the entire Body of Christ finally takes their seat, the brightness of the light will increase until it appears as one great light rising up to meet the descending darkness. Millions of light rays will begin piercing through, until finally, the light will completely penetrate and rise above the darkness.
When this occurs, the Word Jesus spoke concerning His people will be fully manifested. We’ll be above and not beneath. We’ll trample on snakes and scorpions, because our enemies will indeed be our footstool!
As mentioned, I originally thought I’d witnessed the rapture of the Church, but the Lord revealed this event happens before the rapture, as happenings in the spirit realm always precede physical manifestation. But if you’ll notice, “The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand untilI make your enemies your footstool.” To me, that suggests once this transition occurs, once the enemies of Christ become His footstool, He will stand up! Will it be to redeem His purchased possession?
I’d like to end with a prayer from ‘The Authority of The Believer’ by John A. MacMillan:
“Lord, I accept Thy gracious word. In humble faith I do now take my seat in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus at Thy right hand. Teach me how to fulfill this sacred ministry, how to exercise the authority which Thou hast entrusted to me. Train me day by day that I may attain to the full stature of the perfect man in Christ, so that in me Thy purpose of the ages may be fulfilled. Amen.”