The King Of Kings Is Here!
January 9, 2021 12:00 PM
Brian Ethier
Enraged, the gathered armies of the world now stand ready to fight,
For in the heavens is approaching a shining bright light;
Soon the combatants are terror stricken and many take flight,
For behind their leader there is such a multitude in white.
Be of good cheer O Earth for your Mighty Warrior King is here!
He’s here, He’s here, your long awaited Savior is here!
Do cheer, all hear, the Prince of Peace is here!
He’s here, He’s here, the King of kings is here!
My Father Yahuah has sent me to come crush all wickedness,
To liberate the prisoners, to put an end to all sickness;
To feed all that are hungry, to bring Justice for one and all,
Go My saints, go everywhere, for now all evil must fall.
Forever I will rule with integrity, My Kingdom will have no end,
Good-will, good-will, to your hearts only joy and happiness will I send;
To bring My lost tribes home now go set the banners high,
This is a new beginning where love all will gladly apply.
Faithful and True, the King of kings is here!
The Word of the Almighty, the King of kings is here!
Master of masters, the King of kings is here!
All cheer, all hear, the King of kings is here!