The King is Coming
May 31, 2023 2:55 PM
Sammy Omosh
I would like to bring some encouragement to you precious brothers and sisters.As we wait for many prophecies to be fulfilled in this season of the time of the end, let us not lose focus on our ultimate purpose-Entry into the kingdom of God.
On 28/4/23 in a dream I see a reknown preacher holding a piece of paper in his hands and it slips through his hands and falls down to the ground.l knew this signifies something unusual.
On 25/4/23 in the dream of the night I saw a man standing on the pulpit exclaiming “keep on praying,even after your prayers have been answered.”
On 22/5/23 just before waking up iam caught up in a vision where I found myself in a ship with others heading to a destination which I am not sure of.(Two watchmen I know of have highlighted this scenario.).
Then on 28/5/23 I woke up at about 5.30am from a dream vision in which I find myself in a beautiful tent somewhere in an open garden(field).
Everybody coming here was very neat and well dressed.My main duty was to give out chairs to the people who had been invited to come for this Ceremony to sit on.I was standing at the tail end of the tent. Finally I took the only chair left and sat in this place.My rough estimate of the people gathered in this place was a paltry 200.I had a knowing that Jesus will soon be here.He knows every detail of our life and what we are currently doing.He knows those who are longing for his return above the things the world can offer you.All this I was wondering on,while I had my seat in the above revelation and it ends there. This represents the now moment-if he comes suddenly today unawares then very few will qualify to enter the kingdom.The no 200 represents the few from among the many.However one thing I know is that the many events coming in our planet will be a game changer in soul winning efforts. Honestly speaking when was the last time you heard a preacher asking that important quiz with eternal implications-is your name written in the lamb,s book of Life?And inviting sinners to repentance.Is the offering or tithe more important than a lost soul coming to Jesus.When there is no money in the Financial collapse will you stop preaching? What I have always wondered while reading and meditating on the book of Acts is this one thing-The disciples including Apostle Paul had very little resources but we’re able to transverse their known world-lsrael,Cyprus, Greece.Macedonia,Turkey,Syri a,Malta,Spain and Rome.You have not factored the persecution and the hardship they endured,but they got the job done. Our generation is tech savvy,learned,has world wide connections and endowed with plenty of resources.But the return on soul winning efforts has been wanting.Church is not that building made of cement and sand.We are the living stones as Peter said it.The gospel has been watered down-by preachers living lavishly-convoy of splashy cars,fat bank accounts,big church buildings,bodyguards etc.Did Jesus exhibit any of this? What is our job description given from the master him self?I believe it,s winning souls.period.
On 27/5/23 before waking up,I found myself walking along the road leading to a posh residential place.i then arrive outside the gate of this place.There was a mansion inside and suddenly I was made aware to know the occupant,s name.The three names of the individual appeared in descending order-let me use the initials.C.K.O.C appea red after I read it then K appeared and finally O concluded the tag name.l know this person and the message contained there in is this- The Heavenly mansions are ready.
Remember the revelation I had on 3/10/21 – prepare for Exodus.i saw empty chairs in a hall sequenced alphabetically with the individual,s nameMeaning:The wedding supper of the lamb is now ready.The houses are ready for occupation and the master is on his way coming.We need daily repentance of our sins.We are made worthy through the shed blood at the cross.Will you be found worthy to partake His kingdom?it is life or death,hell or heaven, happiness or sorrow,a kingdom worker or a spectator, kingdom seeker or world seeker,living by faith or living in fear. In the military roll call it is-yes sir or no sir! In the school roll call it is-Present sir or absent sir!Most remnants have gone through the fiery trials and some form of persecution.A pruning,refining, purification and sanctificati on has taken place.Hence Graduation is now about to take place You cannot graduate without attaining the requisite points/grades or marks. Fast Forward to the Near Future:. When the beast arrives on the world stage armed with such deception (the white horse has been released.)Have discernment and don.t question why the rapture has not taken place.When world wars are fought(the red horse has been released.)pray for protection and don.t complain about the bloodshed and Carnage you will see.When famine creeps in unexpectedly and there is no food (Black horse has been released.)pray for superna tural provision .When pestilences hit this Earth like a thunderbolt (The pale horse has been released.) don’t complain saying”the other time it was Corona now it,s a deadly virus never seen before.”pray for good health and let the Lord insulate you against any germs,viral or bacterial attack. Equally don.t fear,murmur or grumble when you see Strong Earthquakes, massive flooding (we all saw what happened in Italy recently.)meteor showers, asteroids falling down from space, tsunamis, volcanoes erupting,chaos and mayhem in the streets, buildings on fire, landslides, sinkholes, sudden darkness and a total financial collapse plus the arrival of UFOS on our planet (strange objects navigated by strange beings aka demons.)Why are you telling us not to complain about all the things I have stated above? Because all these things must happen first.Simply put,all prophecies written in the Bible and also by many watchmen must be fulfilled first before the catching up of the bride and the second coming of the Messiah take place.You ask when?I tell you there is no specific time in heaven but soon.The appointed time will soon come when the Messiah has taken long but the Lord understandsWhen all the Events happen what should be ringing in our minds and spirit is this-
The King is coming!The King is coming!The King is coming! marana that.
Rev22:7,Rev22:12,Mat22:1-13,Mat24:36-51,Mat25,John15,Luke21Gal5:5,1cor15:50-58,Acts26:19-20,Acts2:38-41,1pet2:4-6,2pet 3:1-13and Zec14:4-9
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