The help of our sad countenance is our God.
May 28, 2020
Ali Winters
The death of a loved one or cherished friend is heartbreaking but death is a part of life. The goodness of God remains constant, His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness. To allow the continued draconian measures of lockdown and shelter in place to continue is allowing the fear, the panic the visceral attacks within the political arena to continue, allowing wickedness to reign at the expense of our freedom and our faith. Bill Wilson/Daily Jot writes: “As we view the COVID-19 situation, we do not need conspiracy theories to bolster concerns about the curtailing of freedom. We just need to look at the facts before us. In no time in history has this nation been shut down for a flu. Since March 15, all people-carriers, the sick, the well-have been essentially locked down. It has changed our lives. The facts are that state governments, especially those with Democratic governors, have, in the very least, temporarily taken away freedoms. Fear has ruled over the hearts of many and still does. The question we must ask as Americans is: “How much freedom are we willing to trade for fear?”
It is past time to walk in faith and not fear, to move forward in prayer not panic. It is time to trust in the faithfulness in the goodness of our God. Do not fear says the LORD for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Pray against the enemies of our Constitution, our greatest battles, for good or against evil, are fought on our knees.
As lock down, as shelter in place begins its slow release what have we learned? Have we become better or bitter, educated or euthanized, more godly or more greedy…what have we become? Have our values changed for the better or for the worse? Have we learned anything of value from the things which we have endured these many weeks? What have we become?
Has the LORD become our Light our Salvation or do we live in constant fear of the future? Is the LORD the stronghold of our life or has wickedness advanced against us causing us to stumble, to grumble, to fear and to fall? The LORD would say: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Remain confident, be strong, take heart; My Light, My Faithful care will guide you. Why are you in despair? Why are you restless and so disturbed. Hope in God, wait expectantly for Him.
Our prayer ~ LORD cancel satanic claims over the nations, expose corruption. Shine Truth into the darkness that has enveloped this nation and other nations of the world. We ask You to lift up Daniel’ and Mordecia(s) for such a time as this and we pray that our president, our vice president, that prime ministers, kings, all sovereigns would be controlled by Your hand. And we pray these things in the Name of JESUS Christ our LORD. (Exodus 8:1, 1 Samuel 8:3, Daniel 2:48, Proverbs 16:12 and 21:1)
The help of our sad countenance is our God.