THE HELMET OF SALVATION – From A devotional called Shama… A daily walk of listening and obeying.
The vision continued and I was led to the mind gate. I was shown the inside of the mind gate and it was like a city and it was incredibly busy, there were so many things going on.
I heard Yeshua’s voice saying: ‘This is My mind within your spirit.’ Everything was white and I heard the voice of the seven Spirits of YHVH and everything happened according to what the Voice says.
Yeshua said the voice of the seven Spirits are the thoughts of the mind of Christ so when we are in His mind, the voice of Holy Spirit will be the thoughts directing us to the Kingdom of Yeshua, setting our minds on things above.
The city looked pure and clean, everything was in order. Then I saw different ‘houses’ in the city of the mind and Yeshua told me that the different ‘houses’ are our belief systems, perceptions, knowledge, understanding etc and that Holy Spirit wants to govern over them too. ‘This is My mind that I desire to be within you. Now let Me speak to you about your weapons to keep this mind within you.’
Then I was outside the gate again and I had the helmet of salvation in my hand. Again I was led into the mind gate but it looked completely different and I heard Him saying: ‘This is the carnal un-surrendered mind within your soul.’ It was chaos inside the city, total chaos! It was dirty and out of order, I heard voices from both the left and right side and it was ungodly. The city was busy and there wasn’t just the voice of the Holy Spirit, but there were many different voices.
Yeshua allowed me to listen to it and then He would tell me: ‘This is the voice of judgement, that is the voice of worthlessness, that is the voice of pride, that is the voice of deception and it was different voices from the kingdom of darkness that you would think is ‘you’, but it had established its strongholds, lies and deception in the houses of the mind and it carried those voices. ‘You have two minds within you, you carry My mind in your Spirit and you carry the carnal un-surrendered mind in your soul. I want to renew your mind so that I can change your thought patterns and break down the strongholds, but you have to use the helmet of salvation which is your weapon. You have to cover your mind with My Word because that is how you war with the helmet of salvation. You cover your mind with My Word by blessing your mind with My Word to prepare the soil and then continually taking your thoughts captive in obedience as if you were sowing seed so that your mind can be a tree that bears fruit pleasing unto Me.
How is the condition of the city of your mind? Are your mind gates open to the enemy or do you keep your mind and guard it? I tell you, your mind is a battlefield and the enemy loves to win that battle and achieves it much too often because of a lack of obedience on your behalf. Look after your mind and keep its gates. Take up the helmet of salvation and stand!’
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”
(II Corinthians 10:3-6)