The Grounded Planes
December 16, 2023 8:41 PM
December 16, 2023
In a dream vision, the Holy Spirit took me to a city’s airport. I did not know which airport it was, but I assumed it was in the United States. Instead of showing me the airport terminal, He took me to the area where airplanes line up to take off from a runway. These appeared to be regular passenger planes, not military fighter jets.
The Holy Spirit then directed my focus to one particular plane that approached the final turn onto the runway to take its position and get ready for takeoff. Several planes lay in a line behind it, awaiting their turn to take off. Watching that leading plane, I suddenly saw its nose descend and hit the tarmac, as if the plane’s extended front wheels had broken underneath the body of the plane. The front of the airplane lay on the ground at an angle. The flight craft was too damaged to go anywhere—it couldn’t even get its nose off the ground! In fact, it was stuck in a place that blocked access to the runway, so none of the other planes could take off either.
When I awoke from this dream vision, I asked the Holy Spirit what it meant. “Many factors will ground airplanes,” He said. “Air traffic will slow, even stop, in some places.” He indicated a range of factors—from spare parts shortages, rising fuel prices, cancelled insurance, and bankruptcy to terrorism and war—that would cause the grounding of commercial airplanes.
And for the planes aloft, remember to pray “for those in peril in the air”. Amen.
Alternate verses written by Mary C. D. Hamilton (1915) to include in the Navy Hymn:
Lord, guard and guide the men who fly
Though the great spaces in the sky.
Be with them always in the air,
In darkening storms or sunlight fair;
Oh, hear us when we lift our prayer,
For those in peril in the air!
Aloft in solitudes of space,
Uphold them with Thy saving grace.
Thou Who supports with tender might
The balanced birds in all their flight.
Lord, if the tempered winds be near,
That, having Thee, they know no fear.
Matthew 10:29-31 NIV
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos