Deception, Prophecy

The Golden Age of deception is here – Patti Young

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

The Golden Age of deception is here

1/27/25 2:05 PM
Patti Young

Awakened at 3

The Holy Spirit said ” They turn their faces away and look not unto me. I am the Saviour, the keeper of all their lives. Man and nations shall fall, for they have forsaken me, my name, and sought not my face. Heartache and sorrow shall befall the many. Do they not see, do they not read in my word what becomes of a people and the nations who have forgotten their God? People pleasers, those who seek pleasure for themselves whose feet are sitting on the shifting sands and are not set upon the Rock. Behold, I come, not as a Lamb, but as a mighty King and I will come with recompense and judge harshly those who have turned their faces from me.” The Golden Age of deception is here. Yes, and AI, mRNA ” Deception has come as a mighty wave across the nations”. Was given a vision of a huge wave sweeping all over America.

Had a vision of Jacob on the ground wrestling with the Lord, and then the Lord turned into a lion and overcame Jacob.

Jacob was wearing a torn white shirt, it was ripped.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said , “DISCERNMENT is KEY in this very late hour. Complacency is in my people, my church.. Weeping and travailing should be upon my altars, for who knows the heart and souls of man but I, who sees and knows all things. I say DESIRE me above ALL things , above all men, seek me, seek my face at this very hour. My arms are wide open to all who return unto me, for I AM the Faithful one, a loving Father who cries out to the many, return unto me for I AM your shield and your buckler. Safety is NOT found in man, but is found in me alone. Turn not your heart away from my yearnings towards you, but draw near unto me for I alone can save.”

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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