March 24, 2021 4:16 PM
Loveth Nwokeohuru
Hello everyone.
I bless the name of the Lord for His goodness and mercies upon our lives..
He is the God that knows the ending from the very beginning and knoweth all secrets.
I want to share a very very urgent message that I received on the 22 of March 2021.
It started like a dream and then I saw myself in real life praying about that same thing…
I was asleep and then I was woken up to begin to pray…it was very urgent…my heart was panting in the dream and when I woke up I felt greatly troubled and disturbed.
I felt like I woke my husband up to tell him that night, but when I asked him in the morning he said I didn’t tell him anything.
I was told that the globalists had met and have planned to do something terrible..
They have restrategized their plans..and have come up with a more subtle way to deceive the nations to accept the N.W.O
They want to subtly introduce their NWO or Great Reset to the people/children.
They want to educate them on these things, so that they would accept it without giving them much troubles.
I was asked to go ahead of them to warn the people( to educate them) I also called someone which I don’t remember now to go and start warning people about this evil plans.
We are to go fast ahead of them to educate the people on what the globalists are doing…infact the way I saw it…..they’re almost there already…but God doesn’t want them to succeed in their plans entirely; so, any more delay on our side would lead to them deceiving many people.
We are to warn the people about their plans so that when they bring that same plan to the public would be that we had already prevented them by educating the people..that way..they wouldn’t have the opportunity to deceive many.
But if we don’t go ahead of them, before we come, they would have already deceived the people and it would be difficult to get them change their minds.
This warning is for all the Watchmen…please let’s warn the people not to have anything to do with the N.W.O or Great Reset.
Please watch these videos 👇