The First Prophecy – Janice Sharp
September 26, 2016 11:30 pm
These words were given to me by my Father in Heaven:
Write what you hear my daughter, as My Spirit dwells within you. Why do you say you cannot hear me when you do not listen (I had been praying to hear His voice many times but really hadn’t been spending any real time with God). I speak always by My Spirit. Write of the things to come for they are near and nearer than when you first believed. Harken to the words long written down for they will point you to all truth. Prophesy that when you see the seven stars around the tree and the the archer with his bow and arrow ready to strike, then the door in heaven will be opened and the bull will charge. The Son is rising in the East, look for Him now, while it is still daylight.
A mushroom cloud looms in the horizon, set off from ships in the gulf. As the bombs drop, the saints go up. Look to the sky for all my signs coming to pass now. Judgement is come. Repent, tell all to repent now or My Son will come at an hour you expect Him not.
Repent, the Kingdom of God is near and now almost hear. My Word will never pass away and will be used to judge all of mankind. Seek My face and I will lead you into all Truth.
I hear snippits of song lyrics within these writings that I hear as God has told me that He will speak to me in the language of music as I am a singer and worshipper. “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear. The Lord is my life and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid.
Hoshiana is the beautiful song I heard in my spirit.