America, Burn, Destruction, Prophecy

THE FIRE COMES – Krystal Beall


November 22, 2020
Krystal Beall

Ye can not fathom how late the hour is. Rejoice for the hour has come when all men shall look upon the one whom they pierced and mourn for me as one who mourns for an only son.

What more can I say to America. Destruction comes, Swiftly it comes, Yea is here. You sleep America. You sleep in your pride. Blanketed by gross deception. In your sin you grope and stumble as a blind man. Refusing my call. I AM sore vexed that I was not received in America. Grieved that America has taken from me what does not belong to her.

Woe. Woe. Woe. Woe to America. Defiled and fallen nation whom has cast me out. I wept for America. Now ye shall weep for me. Weep and howl oh nation handed over to your enemies. Weep and howl, lament in sackcloth and ash for the Revelation of it all. Wail as I have. Pierced by TRUTH. Awaken to fire and heir to ash. In my mercy for men shall I destroy America. I delight to show mercy. I AM deeply pained by the way I was treated in America alone.

Deception is deep and covers the multitudes. My soul travaileth as a woman with child who’s hour has come. I AM Faithful. I AM true. I AM that I AM. I feel deep pain and unrelenting sorrow when I behold America. I weep and my indignation burns. My sword of justice hurled into the field. Turning flames of fire in every direction. You know not what ye have done. I do, and I shall make it known to this most wicked, corrupt, and profane, fallen nation. You shall behold me as I truly am. You shall know the TRUTH of ALL things.

The fire comes. The destruction of a nation whom has treated me as a foe. Woe to you. Now is the hour of redemption. Now is the hour of the wedding of the Lamb. Now is the hour of recompense and revelation. The unveiling.. The fulfilment of all that is written and I have spoken. Now is the hour. Now. The awakening. To all of you whom are fearful, feeling forsaken and as though I have forgotten you,

I say this, Peace be still. Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you. I have engraved you in the palm of my hand. I have lifted you. Raised you above. I AM with you. There is no loss, no pain that you bear that I have not allowed for my GLORY. I am all too familiar with Suffering. Familar with sorrow. There is good for all who love me( GOD) who are called according to my purpose. Bear one another’s burdens in love. Love. Fulfilment of my law. Of all things. Know that I AM Faithful. I AM TRUE. I AM that I AM.

The hour is far spent. With you my little flock I AM well pleased. You whom praise me in joy and in pain. Whom lift my name up and love me in the belly of the whale. I AM well pleased. Great is your reward. Great. Your prayers as balm and incense before my throne. Know that I have heard. I have listened and have answered your prayers. I have delivered thee.

Do you trust me? Do you believe me? With me all things are possible. I have given thee the desires of thine heart. In a moment, the twinkling of an eye all changes. It will. It has. Faith. Not sight. I know where you are. Not forsaken. Not alone . The battle rages and the dragon is worth. WROTH. Fear not. Trust in me with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding. In all ways acknowledge me. I AM directing your path. I have RESTORED thee to above all ye can hope for. It is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Pray. Pray. Pray. I hear you. I answered.

Pray not for America. It is finished. America is a vexation and stench before me. An abomination. Fallen. Know that in total destruction shall I be glorified. Did I not say my beloved redeemed whom believe, is it not written, Believe and you shall see my GLORY. The GLORY of God. It is so. Look up. Watch. I AM on the throne. I reign.

America is in gross darkness. I have allowed it to be so. Sin upon sin. I weep without cease for fallen humanity. I weep in Love, Mercy, Pain and vengance. I will repay. I AM the way. The TRUTH. The LIFE. I AM the RESURRECTION. I AM the LORD. All things new. America has a revelation upon her soil that will not allow my hand of justice to dismiss. When I show thee thy TRUTH of what has fallen in your soil.

When I resurrect that is buried all will know and see, Understand why I have set my face as flint upon this nation. Beauty for ashes. Do not fear. Fear not. Be not afraid. Be still. I have gone before thee. I AM with thee. I SAY FEAR NOT ALL WHOM LOVE ME. Why did ye doubt, oh you oh little faith? Stand. I have loved you with an everlasting love. With kindness have I drawn thee. Expect me. Unexpectedly.


Original article can be found here 


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