The Fiery Kickoff Event Review Part 3
Holy Spirit Wind
A Sad Picture of a Typical “American Christian”
“My call goes out to to everyone who reads this message. Do not be deceived; time is shorter than most men think. Humble yourselves in surrender before Me and repent of your sin and I will forgive you and give you new life that will never end. This must be done with your whole heart, I know when a man means what he says. I urge you to ready yourselves now! No man knows when the kick-off event shall take place and no man knows the day or the hour of My return.
Put the things of this world behind you and receive My Spirit!
I Love You!”
“For When They Say, “Peace and Safety!” Then Sudden Destruction Comes Upon Them and They Shall Not Escape.”
1 Thess. 5:2-3 “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.”
Many are quoting these verses in this day; more than ever before. They are truth and there are many levels of fulfillment of these verses, but most do not understand their final order and meaning. As I have told you before, My son, there will be a fiery, “false flag,” “kick off” event and there will be NO MISTAKING that you are in the time of the very end. Of course, all of the events listed in Matt. 24 (false Christs will appear, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places, believers will be persecuted, men will be betraying one another, false prophets will arise, lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold, this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and the fullness of the gentiles shall be brought in). This all will be happening at the same time and with greater intensity. The evil men that are partnered with the fallen ones know that their time is short. I will allow them, in My perfect timing known by no man, to bring judgment. Please understand that this is not My wrath. My children are not subject to My wrath (1 Thess. 5:9). My wrath shall be upon Satan, the fallen ones, and the children of darkness and disobedience.
Then the financial system of the world will crash and the world will go to war, which Donald Trump is being used to start. Many will suffer and die and many of My own will be taken home during this time as well. Then the “man of peace,” Barack Hussein Obama, who is truly the man of lawlessness, will come back. He will be completely possessed by Satan. This is when the the fallen ones, giants, shall have their way with the inhabitants of the earth. Obama will be their leader and will oversee the complete and utter destruction of America.
“I tell you this day Donald Trump is also as Belshazzar for he is the last king of Babylon/America.”
In the past I have told My son that this is the “kick-off event” because many other events will follow afterward. After it will follow war, economic collapse, martial law and lawlessness, famine, diseases and plagues, persecution of those called by My name, beheadings, torture, extreme weather both hot and cold, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, mega-earthquakes, meteors and asteroids, hail, and fire mingled with blood shall fall, as well as hailstones weighing hundreds of pounds, tsunamis, and everything that is in My Scriptures, including the coming of the fallen angels, which include the locust creatures and the giants and others. Remember that I have said “As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating (human flesh) and drinking (human blood), marrying (human women) and giving (human women) in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark.” (Matt 24:37-38)
I am the Ark of safety for My beloved remnant. Those who are Mine will be spared from My wrath but they will suffer the wrath of Satan in differing degrees, depending on how pure and holy they have kept themselves. Only My blood can wash your sins whiter than snow and then you can put on My robe of righteousness, for My bride must be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
Be Not Afraid For I AM With You ALWAYS and the End of the Age is Now!
There is not much more that I can reveal to you, My children, about the time that you are in but the fiery, false-flag, kick-off event is sooner than ever now. Do not be deceived! The events on your earth that are on My clock have increased in frequency. Remember My time is not your time. Everything that I have told you in the past will happen and all scriptures will be fulfilled very shortly.
I want you to look to the events that are happening right before your eyes. The lies of Babylon have been exposed to the entire world, yet she tries to hide under a veil full of gaping holes. Your control of wealth has come to an end, your money is becoming worthless because no nation wants your debt. You have and will again orchestrate massive destruction on your own land because you worship My enemy. Ten times greater will be the destruction you cause and so shall be the judgments that I send upon you, O lovers of darkness. Now you fight proxy wars but soon those wars will come back upon you. All of the chaos, death and destruction that you have exported will come back to you for it is My law. You foolishly call it karma but it is My law of reaping and sowing! I know your wicked plans! There will be no phoenix rising out of the ashes! When My wrath is poured out upon you, none shall escape! No mercy shall be shown to those who have not shown mercy. The only ones who will escape are My chosen ones, for I have a work for them to do.
One of “The Fall Guys” Has Now Done What He has Been Told to Do by His Directors
Yet, another door has been opened and no man will shut it. There is no way for the nations to turn back now, the scriptures shall be fulfilled. The time of judgement has now come for America and the whole earth. The horsemen ride together, war and famine shall ride simultaneously after the fiery, false flag, kick off event followed closely by the pale horse, ridden by death and one fourth of the earth shall he be given authority over. They shall die by sword (war), famine, pestilence (disease) and the wild beasts of the earth. The bear and the dragon shall have their way with the eagle and her wings shall be plucked. The fall of Babylon the great shall be final and the whole earth will weep for her; her wealth and her whoring ways. Oh, how they loved to fornicate with her but she will be NO MORE!
Come now My children it is time to turn from the things and ways of this world. Repent, for nothing that you see before you shall remain but My kingdom is everlasting! Pray for My lost sheep, that they will return to Me and that I can find them by using you. Sit at My feet and listen to Me for I have instructions for ALL of you that no one else can tell you. Please draw near to Me now so that your pain and suffering can be eased! Seek Me like you have never sought Me before for there is not much time. My people shall have and others shall have not. My people shall share of what they receive both physically and spiritually so that many will come to know Me through them. If you heed My words you will shine brightly for Me and rule and reign with Me FOREVER! I am coming soon and quicker than the twinkling of your eye.
Get to know Me better now or you will NEVER have the chance!
I love you all so much! I have bought you all with My own blood.
Please listen to me!
Jesus Christ
Yahushua Hamashiach
Another Door for War has Just Been Opened and No Man will Shut It
I tell you this day that the warnings are coming to an end. I have told you that you are days away from the kick-off event and I have not relented or changed my mind. Just because you think “days” should mean one thing, it does not mean that I follow your rules of thinking. You should follow mine. Look in the scriptures, did I not tell My prophet Daniel a timeframe of 2300 days?(Daniel 8:14) Did I not tell him again timeframes of 1290 and 1335 days?(Daniel 12:11-12) You would do well to read these passages so that I may give you understanding. You know nothing as you ought to know but if you ask I will give you a small part of My wisdom and knowledge if you ask me humbly, with the right motive in your heart. Why would you limit Me when I say something happening in “days” to just a few months? You must not try to figure these times out through man’s wisdom because it cannot be done. This is how doctrines of demons and men have come to infiltrate My body. Be patient, what I have said will take place when I say they will. When these judgements do take place most will wish they had more time but time will be NO MORE!
Once again My children, look to Israel and you will see that time is moving ever faster and it is very short. A hook has been placed in the jaw of Israel’s enemies and they will now begin to try to destroy her. I will allow her to chastised by her enemies but she will not be utterly destroyed. She will cry out to Me and I will hear and I will defeat her enemies. I shall protect The house of Israel and the tribe of Judah for they are My own chosen people. They have strayed away but they will come back to Me and know that I AM the Messiah that they have been waiting for. The wicked shall be deceived and follow the beast but My elect shall not follow another. For they KNOW Me and I KNOW them.
Doubt, Forgiveness, Confirmation and New Revelation About the Time We are In
You have seen events happening in Israel and they are fulfilling what has been written in scripture. None of My word shall ever pass away but this heaven and earth shall pass away. Israel shall be attacked and they will retaliate and cause a great explosion in Iran. These events will run in parallel with what I have revealed about the kick-off event planned for America. Israel’s enemies, all of the allies of Iran, will surround her and attempt to annihilate Israel so that My promise would be broken to her. But that will not and cannot happen! Israel shall cry out to Me and I shall rescue her after she sees much destruction. Every promise that I have ever made shall be kept and My enemies shall be defeated!
America, You Await My Command to the Executioner!
America, your head is on the chopping block! America, you await My command to the executioner! Will you ignore Me again or will you cry out to Me? I tell you these warnings are ending! The time to save America as a nation has passed but I am still calling the people of America to come into My open arms and receive My eternal love and forgiveness.
America, you know not the moment in which the fire of the kick-event happens. It will happen in a moment when you think not. All who dwell in the secret place of the Most High God shall be protected by My wings and I will be their fortress, shield, helper in time of need and the rock in which you can hide in and stand on.
Jesus Christ
Yahushua Hamashiach
Barack Hussein Obama Is the Real Leader of America
Barack Hussein Obama is the real leader of America, though right now he is behind the scenes, he will return but not as president as I have told you before. Behind the scenes, civil war is being plotted, planned and schemed. He is dividing and will divide America while looking like the the”good guy” just as he did throughout the middle east when he was the elected president of America.
Donald Trump is the controlled opposition, he is a part of the whole plan. He does not know the depth of the evil that Obama does, as I have said before Trump is one of the “fall guys”, a “scapegoat”, someone to lay the blame on. They will blame the crash of the US economy on Trump, that comes after the “kick-off event”. That is when Obama will return as ruler and the people will love him! Even many of those who where once against him will be for him because of the destruction and economic catastrophe that had happened. He will promise peace BUT DON’T BE FOOLED! He will cause the utter destruction of America, this has been his destiny and I will allow it because America has not repented.
America, You Celebrate Independence Day Today but Who do You Celebrate Independence From?
America, the fiery kick-off event will only be the beginning of the destruction and sorrow that you will experience but I will allow it so you will repent. Events after this will grow worse and worse until the day that Babylon America will be destroyed. That is when My judgement will be poured out and Babylon America shall be destroyed in one hour by fire. It is by My mercy and grace that it is done this way. It is to allow for repentance for I take no joy in the destruction of the wicked yet JUDGEMENT COMES!
Pray that I may have mercy in My judgement.
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36
Jesus Christ
Yahushua Hamashiach
A Parable About the “Kick-Off Event”
“My son, I wish to give you this parable about the “kick-off event” so that My people have more understanding about what is about to take place and perspective.
The ball has been placed on the tee and the whistle has sounded and the kicker’s hand is raised. Do you hear his footsteps? That’s how close it is! I tell you, do not focus on the kicker, he is only a small member of the many teams of Satan that is against the one team of YHVH. Don’t focus on the ball or any of their players, focus on your Captain and Quarterback.
When Almost Everyone Has Let Their Guard Down it Will Strike!
Children listen to me! You must now start to prepare for things to change. Many of you have made spiritual and physical preparations and you think you are ready for what comes but I tell you that you are not, because you have never seen anything like what’s coming. Though the things that come will not happen all at once they will happen very suddenly, in an instant, without any warning and the world will change in a moment. Yes, I have told you about this many times, it is the “kickoff event”. You are closer to it than you have ever been before. There are those who would mock and say “We have heard it all before, where is it?” I would say to you in a moment that you think not is when it will happen. When almost everyone has let their guard down it will strike! There always are those who ask, “When will it be?” I have told you already many times to be ready at all times. This is the way you must live your life, you must be in constant communication with Me and if you are not, you will not be ready! If you think in your heart that you will be ready at the last day or moment, you will not be! The time is now to be ready, not then! If your heart is such that you want to hold on to your sin and then give it up at the last minute, you are in bondage and you will not be set free by me because the intent your heart is not right. I am the word and I am sharper than any two-edged sword could ever be, because I divide between the soul and the spirit. I see every thought and I know where it comes from. I know your heart better than you do! Do not ever try to hide anything from me. Do not try to be like Adam and hide your nakedness because I see it all. Why don’t you just surrender to me? I am merciful and gracious and I understand and I died for you so that you would not be bound by your sin. But many of you would not be set free because you hold on to it because it is what you know. But I say to you I want you to know me! Oh how it’s saddens me that you love your sin more than me! Ask yourself why! Don’t you know that the wages of sin is death? Choose life! Choose Me! Confess all of your sin to Me so I can put it under my blood and you will be freed from it. After you have put down your your sin and have given it to Me, I am your advocate when you stumble and you only must confess and repent and your sin will be covered by my blood when you ask for forgiveness.