I have been in a state of spiritual mourning and groaning for many days. I was in such a state today, hardly having the emotional or mental capacity to pray or know what to pray for, when the Holy Spirit enabled me to pray in tongues. This strengthened me, and I heard Him beckon to my spirit to write what He put within my mind. I felt resistant, because I have been questioning my calling and the ability of Satan to enter into my mind with false words. Yet the Lord reminded me that we walk by faith. Thus, bathed in prayer for the Spirit to drive away all false spirits, I began to write the following:
My daughter, I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have never left you, nor forsaken you, though now, it feels as if the world has gone dark, as if the heavens have shut themselves up to you and my people, as if my words will not be fulfilled and you have waited for their fulfillment in vain. You and my people feel as if you are foolish, worthless, even less than worthless, promoting things and ideas in my name that are false–though you have not. There are some, however, in the arrogance of their own sense of self-worth and power, that have been led astray by the Evil One and have promoted words that sound like my words and are not. These words create confusion among my prophets. Do not allow errors propagated by Satan to throw you off the rails of the calling I have given you. You feel foolish; I know your hearts. I know how weak you are, how utterly smitten you feel, how very beaten down by Satan’s lies and confusion. I will never leave you nor forsake you, my people! Hold fast to my unchanging and unfailing promises! Never cling to how you feel. Never hold fast to circumstancial evidence as if it were truth. Satan is the master of smokescreens and lies. He would have you overlook fulfillments to my prophecies, such as the great chaos that is ensuing in Hawaii, thinking that I did not carry out my word to make May a month of mayhem. But it indeed has been a month of mayhem for many people, not only the Hawaiians but also my people in Israel who are surrounded by and terrorized by their enemies. This is the beginning of birth pains, and wait until you see how they continue to increase in intensity and frequency throughout the world! (Matthew 24:6-8: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” Luke 21:20: “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near.”) When Satan tries to blind your eyes with lies and smokescreens, reorient yourself with my truth. Seek out the truth of what is happening in the world around you. Seek out the promises of my Word, and walk by them. My children, you have been listening to lies and deceptions that have come to you through the mouths of people you love and trust. This is Satan’s most powerful tactic against you, even as he attempted with my Son just before He had to endure the cross. He sought to dissuade Yehushua through Peter (Matthew 16:22). Do not listen to any man, for Satan is capable of infiltrating every heart and every mind, even those who are devoted to me! This also should keep you humble before me, for you know your weakness. Always be on your knees in prayer for my Holy Spirit to guide you and empower you (John 16:13a: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth…”). Nothing that you do right now is of your own strength, and I know you feel that! But don’t allow that sense of inadequacy to dissuade you from fulfilling my calling on your life. Giving up is false humility. Giving up is giving in to Satan’s power over you! Acknowledging your powerlessness to ascertain my wisdom is necessary, but it should never dissuade you from your calling! Rather, this realization must only drive you more to me and cause you to realize that only faith in my Son will get you through this journey and the open door I have set before you in heaven. Stand firm, my children! Be strong! To him who overcomes, I will give the right to the tree of life, which is in the city of the everlasting God! (Revelation 2:7)
Lord, you said that we should not listen to any man because of the devil’s tactics to speak falsehood through them, yet Lord, surely you have also caused men in your church to be used as safeguards for us, such as the men you set up as overseers by your Apostles. My daughter, when I said you must not listen to any man, I meant that you should not entrust yourself to any man, even as my Son Yehushua did not entrust himself to any man. (John 2:24: “But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people.”) When I say, do not “listen,” I speak of taking to heart as truth without question. Indeed, you must listen to your fellow believers in Yehushua, for they are your fellow soldiers and fellow armor-bearers, and as you unify yourself with them, you will be protected and blessed. Be on your guard against false believers! Do not surround yourself by those who call themselves by my Name and yet shun me and my truth. They will pull you down. Likewise, even those whom I have called by my Name are vulnerable to the Evil One. He is capable of penetrating their armor where they have left themselves open. His lies may be used against you through their mouths. Never be lacking in zeal (Rom 12:11) to overcome error. Always be alert (Luke 21:36: “But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”).
My daughter, I am indeed coming soon. Do not grow weary in well-doing, for in the proper time, you WILL reap a harvest IF YOU DO NOT GIVE UP! (2 Thessalonians 3:13, Galatians 6:9) My children, I love you deeply. I hold you in my bosom and shelter you with my wings. You are highly honored and beloved. My Son eagerly awaits your wedding to him. Lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh! (Luke 21:28)