The Fall will be the Beginning of the Fall
August 3, 2016 11:02 PM
Holy Spirit Wind
8-1-16 thru 8-3-16
My precious, holy, chosen sons and daughters;
I must speak to you again of the time and season that you are in.
You must be prepared now and come to Me to be your shelter for this storm. It is deceiving most, they won’t even stop looking at their phones, computers, games and TVs long enough to notice what is actually taking place.
Did I not say to look up, lift up your heads. for your redemption draws near?
Sadly most have never heard of this verse. Very few know My word even in “Christian” countries though most have a bible in their home and many have more than one. Many of My faithful ones long to read just one verse. There are those that think this world is not a bad place to be, there are even some that think your world is better than it ever has been. This is why I must allow the enemy to steal, kill and destroy more than ever before by withdrawing My hand of protection. This is taking place even now. If I do not allow these catastrophes and cataclysms to occur almost all, except for My remnant, would be lost for eternity. Please understand that the amount souls that I AM speaking of is in the billions.
Each one of you must come to Me in worship, praise, prayer, humbleness and repentance every day and throughout the day. It is Not a suggestion, it is a necessity and if you do not do as I say, you
WILL NOT make it through this coming time of complete darkness. I will no longer allow those of you who love the things of this world to straddle the fence, with one foot in the world and one in My kingdom.
I AM removing the fence!
One side has lush green pastures with shade trees that you can rest under and I keep all the wolves, lions and snakes out. The other is a deep, dark, fiery, abyss and those who get too close to the edge will fall over into it because I Am shaking EVERYTHING that can be shaken. For those who fall over the edge I AM still merciful if they cry out My name, Jesus.
Come to Me now my beloved ones and sit with me, just Me and you, nothing and no one else. Do not be afraid. I will never reject or condemn anyone who comes to Me with all of their heart. Come as you are and I will cleanse all of your sins and pour My life within you. I will pour My liquid love and glory into you. I promise that if you do this, you will feel My presence, it feels like a warm, tingling sensation all over your body. I will also give you rest, strength and peace in your mind. These things I give, the enemy cannot take away unless you allow him to and he will try. Submit yourselves to Me, resist the devil and he will flee from you. This is the way that your armor is put on, spending one on one time with Me. It is so much easier to resist the evil ones if you have your armor on, and if My words, the sword of the spirit, is in your heart and on your lips. Ask of me to fill you completely with My Holy Spirit and baptize you in it. Just yield to Me and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit so you may have Me inside and out. I will also baptize you with My consuming fire to burn from you everything that is of this world. That you may be able to hold more of My Spirit. I will give you My perfect prayer language so that you will be able to commune with Me unhindered by your mind or by the enemy. Be filled continually as we fellowship with one another throughout the entire day because I AM always there.
Oh how I desire this from you!
It is all that you can give me!
I Am in need of NOTHING!
Trust Me.
If you give yourself completely to Me I will speak to you. I will whisper secrets to you and tell you specific instructions for your life regarding the days to come. The day is coming soon when the enemy will have his evil followers shut down every website that speaks My true word. Pay close attention and use the discernment that I have given you, for they will leave some “religious websites” running. These are the ones that include every religious belief, except for the belief that I AM the way, the truth and the life and that No One comes to the Father but by Me.
You need to learn to hear My voice now more than ever, because soon you will not be able to ask My will from My apostles. prophets, teachers and preachers. Come to me with a humble and broken heart and I will speak. I am close to the broken hearted but I resist the proud and arrogant, these My angels will cut down and cast into the fire.
You need to get your own specific instructions from me, this what will be necessary for your survival and the salvation of billions of guests you will bring to My banquet, our wedding feast. Just be open and willing and I will speak to you plainly, but I will not give you every last detail. You must walk some of the ways by faith, some by the anointing and then My glory will come. When My glory comes, your job will be easy, no faith or strength will be required. I will do it ALL!
Now for what is immediately ahead of you. I know many of you have questions because there are so many different voices saying very different things. Some hear from Me, some hear from the fallen ones, and some even make things up in their own heads. I will leave you with this:
The Fall will be the beginning of the fall of this world into utter darkness and chaos. Something will occur that will change everything that follows it. The Fall is NOT the end, it is the beginning of the end of this age. Pray that the devastation will be lessened, that lives would be saved and that there would be a great harvest of souls for My kingdom. I will counteract the movement of the enemy with a greater outpouring of My Spirit and it is available to you even now! As this world grows darker, the outpouring of My Spirit will grow ever more powerful and you will become ever brighter until your final transformation into glory.
Remember that I have said that time of tribulation will be cut short for the sake of the elect. The elect are not appointed to My wrath. Through many fiery trials and tribulations you shall enter into My Kingdom.
Draw close to Me and remember all of My promises.
I AM with you even to the end of the age.
The one who loves you like no other!
Original article can be found here