The Emperors New Clothes
May 24-25, 2020
The Pen
Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Trumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn’t put Humpty Trumpty back together again
The Emperor will arise in a new robe
One covered with glory
Covered with gory and blood
The delusion is complete
People prefer blindness to the naked truth
He is the son of perdition
Come to kill
Come to destroy
Come to settle accounts
Before he fly’s off to a wider world stage
All you who put your hopes in a man are undone
For he that presently sits on the wall is only an errand boy,
Of the coming one
Those that put their faith in any man will fall for the lie
That the Emperors new clothes are,
“The Real Deal” as you American cry